🌸 Chanbin - My dearest Alpha 🌸

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      A world that was ruled by social status and your role. Was that really a fair world? The dominant ones, or the alphas were always on the top, betas maintained peace, and omegas were nothing but people who needed protection and were fragile. But what if the roles were reversed? What if omegas were on top?..

  "There you go." Hyunjin said, handing Changbin a blue overcoat.
  "Ah thanks, will you be heading out?" Asked Changbin.
  "No, I actually plan to accompany you, I'll head out from there sir." Hyunjin replied.
  "Ah, alright then." Changbin said, shaking his head.
  "You know it's pretty impressive how Felix got that far." Changbin acknowledged.
  "Haha yeah.." Hyunjin blushed, the two had been dating for quite a while now.

  These two were Changbin and Hyunjin, a boss and his secretary and two friends, whichever way you prefer. Changbin, also the boss of one of the most promising and successful companies to be launched in the past decade, was now partnering with one of the most successful companies, not only in Korea but internationally as well.
  Hyunjin, his secretary and also his childhood friend had accompanied him all throughout this endeavour. Hyunjin was an orphan and was taken in by Changbin's parents, so they were almost like brothers. Hyunjin always supported Changbin, irrespective of what he did.

  Changbin was a part of one of the most famous families in Korea, known for their 'pure alphas', as in, everyone in the family was only alpha. Two alphas, giving birth to another alpha and so on. Luckily Hyunjin was an alpha as well and fit right in.

  "There you go." Felix said, handing Chan his coffee.
  "Someone's excited." Chan smiled, taking a sip of his coffee,
  "Of course I am! I mean it's been like three or four months since our last date." Felix smiled and Chan nodded.
  "Anyways, let's prepare for the meeting. Are Minho and Han ready?" Chan asked, getting up from his chair,
  "Yep, I mean they can't really ignore direct orders from the Ceo and their friend." Felix smiled,
  "Haha, true."

  Felix and Chan were more or less the same, the only difference was that not only were both of them alphas, they were also real brothers. Chan was the successor to the multi billion dollar business for the family and Felix was the second, but in the meantime, he was more or less the secretary.


  "..and we've also been moderating the e-commerce endeavours taken by the sub units." Seungmin explained. He and Jeongin were with Changbin and Hyunjin, representing their company.
  "Yes, another good news for this room right here. As we can see the overall turn up and international sales have grown significantly when compared to past year's sales. This means that our marketing and sponsoring schemes have worked out and paid off." Jeongin concluded.
  "Alright then, I suppose this is the end of the meeting." Chan smiled.
  "Indeed, now you all are dismissed. Me and President Chan have some business to take care of. We will join you back directly at the company buildings." Changbin said firmly, motioning them all to go out.

  After they all had left, Chan got up and made his way to where Changbin was sitting. Taking a seat beside him, he leaned back in the chair, sighing exasperated.

  "Well this is truly stressful, isn't it?" Chan smiled, a tired smile, but still a smile.
  "Agreed. I suppose you've read the letter?" Changbin said, leaning forward onto the table.
  "I have, I have. Quite surprising they'd be that straightforward." Chan chuckled dryly.
  "Found out quite a while back, and immediately proposed the idea. Wouldn't listen to anything I said." Changbin explained,
  "Had to be done sooner or later. Anyways, have you told Hyunjin yet? Suppose it'd come as a shock that his brother was to get married with his boyfriend's brother no less." Chan chuckled, this time with real amusement.
  "Hmm, not incest though, considering Hyunjin isn't adopted by my parents. But I doubt they'd do anything different even if he was adopted.." Chabgbin sighed.
  "So.. how long do you reckon they've known for?" Chan asked, finally leaning forward.
  "Can't be sure. Hyunjin doesn't know, that's for sure. But I can't say for my parents, they have eyes and ears everywhere." Changbin replied.
  "Nothing less would be expected from a true alpha family, right?" Chan smiled,
  "You're one to talk. Your family is even stricter when it comes to marrying an alpha." Changbin sighed.
  "Good thing you're an alpha then, hmm?" Chan hummed, but this was only met by silence by the latter.

  "Anyways..-" Chan tried to change the subject, "when do you want the wedding to be held?"
  "What?" Changbin's eyes widened.
  "What, we've been dating for the past six years babe, we were bound to get married." Chan smiled.
  "So, Seo Chang-bin, the love of my life, the one I've been craving for, will you, Seoul Chang-bin, will be willing to marry the dumb fuck named Bang Christopher Chan?" Chan bent down on one knee and swiftly pulled out a red velvet laced box containing an elegant ring embroidered by diamonds.
  "I- yes.." Changbin was shocked, but I guess shocked was an understatement. He was bewildered, not only by the sudden proposal but also by how Chan was not at all concerned about the situation they were in. I mean the media, news articles, not to mention their families, how would they react? How would Hyunjin and Felix react?
  Before he could think any longer Chan slipped on the ring onto Changbin's finger. He smiled and then stood up, looking at Changbin lovingly.

  It was almost instantaneous. How they both moved closer, how they both were enjoying the ongoing kiss equally. Chan was almost tempted to rip off all his clothes and start fucking Changbin right now, but that's too vulgar, isn't it? He decided to wait until they were both back to their houses, and then perhaps he could take him out on a date, the last date before their wedding and then they could do it.

———  Wedding Day ———

  "Oh my god you look sexy.." Hyunjin admired as he looked Changbin up and down, admiring his well fitted outfit.
  "Hmm, bet my brother would want to rip those off of you the moment he sees you." Felix chuckled, followed by Hyunjin and Changbin.
  "Well, suppose I don't look too bad." Changbin smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror.
  "Don't look too bad? Dude you look like a fucking god!" Han exclaimed.
  "Haha, thanks." Changbin chuckled.

——— After the Wedding because I've got no clue how to write a wedding ———

  "How do you always manage to look so perfect in everything you wear.." Chan smiled slyly as he approached Changbin.

  They were both alone in the hotel room they had booked for the wedding.

  "Haha." Changbin chuckled, approaching Chan,
  "You look sexy as hell right now, you know that?" Changbin smiled.
  "Hmm, bet it'd be fun to rip all those pretty clothes off of you.." Chan smirked, pushing Changbin onto the bed…

  "How the fuck are they so loud?" Hyunjin sighed,
  "Well they have just been married, I'd expect them to be even louder." Felix chuckled.

1205 words
Sorry this has been a lazy chapter, exams 🥲🥲

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