Chapter 3: There Are Cupcakes To Bake.

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Spike. Spike was long gone now. Of course, Pinkie Pie managed to kill him. As Pinkie cleaned up her bloody tools, she looked at her cupcakes clipboard to see who was next to kill. Diamond Tiara. Pinkie laughed to herself. This was defiantly gonna be fun.
She placed her sharp tools back were they belonged and pushed it Into the shadows. She had to figure out how she was gonna get that brat to come to her house. She was just a stupid filly but Pinkie didn't give a flying feather.
As she sat down at her table, she started thinking of ways to trick the filly into coming to her house. As she looked around, she noticed Madame Le Flour, and the other objects that were laid in different seats.
She scratched her head ruffling her hair and looked around more. How was that filly gonna believe pinkie? How was she gonna get DiamondTiara into her hooves? Right into her trap? Was she gonna actually follow pinkie? Or was she just gonna make fun of this party pony? The questions rang in Pinkies head and shook in frustration. As all the thoughts floated in her head, she finally yelled out in anger.
"ENOUGH!" She shouted. Pinkie tried to relax as she covered her face with her hooves.
She slammed her hooves on her table and got up. She looked out her window at many ponies enjoying the lovely day celestia had created. She saw Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebelle having fun and she growled at the thought.
She was getting anxious on finding Diamond Tiara and killing her. That little brat deserved everything that was coming to her. Pinkie imagined herself, stabbing Diamond Tiara repeatedly until the filly died from blood loss. Of course, after that, she would have to come up with some excuse to tell Silver Spoon, Or maybe she could also kill her.
Finally pinkie got tired of waiting. She took off her cutieMark dress hanging it up and walked up her stairs. She Quietly closed the door and looked around. She saw Ms.Cake going through ingredients as there was a bowl filled with red Blood. She panicked as Ms.Cake looked at her with a confused look. "Hello... Pinkie. What is this? It has a weird taste..." She licked some off her hoof and shook her head.
"Its.. um... strawberry sauce!" Pinkie suddenly found herself saying. "I just made it with.. lots of sugar!" Pinkie put on her best smile that she could ever give. Mrs. Cake still looked uncertain though.
"Hmm. Well OK...anyways Mr.Cake will be back later hes doing some errands so... if he comes he'll just be putting some stuff away..." Ms.Cake sighed and walked away slowly as Pinkie knew what she was upset about. The Baby Cake twins were gone, and no pony had seen them and Ms.Cake and Mr.Cake had been really down.
"Hey, Mrs. Cake? I'm really sorry about how your children disappeared," Pinkie said. "I wish I could've gotten to know them better. Honestly, they were such great children." Pinkie gave Mrs. Cake her best sad face. Those little bastards, they were so fucking annoying, always whining and crying. They would never stop.
Ms.Cake smiled at pinkie and walked over patting her head. "Thank you Pinkie Pie...your so sweet..don't you ever stop doing what you do best.." She yawned and exited to the shop as Pinkie grinned. "Oh..don't worry. I won't ever stop.." She laughed to herself as she hopped out Sugercube Corner.
As Pinkie trotted down the streets, she got awkward glances from several ponies. Soon, Pinkie found Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hanging out by a tree. It looked like they were discussing something. As Pinkie made her way to them, they glared at her.
"What the hay do you want?" Diamond Tiara asked, looking Pinkie up and down.
"Oh. Hiya Diamondy and spoony!!" She smiled as SilverSpoon waved to her utill DiamondTiara gave her a dirty look and she stopped. 'Listen pinkie..." She said annoyed "I dont have the time to talk to a freaking 2 years old filly. Now go away.." She huffed talking back to SilverSpoon.
Pinkie felt pissed off inside, but she maintained a happy look.
"Oh come on!" Pinkie smiled as her right eye twitched slightly. Pinkie kept her eyes glued to Diamond Tiara.
"Listen you idiotic 'Party' Pony! Nopony likes you. We hate your parties. Your cutie mark is 3 stupid balloons and all you ever do is act happy. Your so annoying! Just. GO AWAY!" DiamondTiara walked away with SilverSpoon as they laughed. Pinkies mane suddenly flattened, and she ran back up to the two fillies.
"Listen to me!" She growled. "NEVER. CALL. ME. A. IDIOTIC. PARTY. PONY!" She huffed in anger.
They both stared at her and laughed. "Wow. Look she's trying to stand up to us!!" Diamond Said still getting the laughs out. "Yes. Tough pony! No wonder Rainbowdash hates her!!" Silver responded as they trotted away still laughing.
Pinkie let out a insane and crazy laugh. A smile plastered over her face as she giggled."Little fuckers," she giggled to herself.
They Laughed more as they went to a tree still talking. Pinkie growled and laughed more grabbing her hair with her hooves as she saw RainbowDash fly past. Her smile somehow got bigger like it was about to rip right off her face.
Silver Spoon glanced over at Pinkie a few times, and she looked like she was shivering a bit. As Pinkies pupils got smaller, she let out a super high pitched laugh.
"SilverSpoon...let's go.." She nodded as the fillies gallopped off. Pinkie laughed even louder as her eyes glowed and she chased them. They all ran through many ponies. RainbowDash flew over catching a glimpse of them. "What in the Thunderbolts are they doing?" She asked then shurgged off as she zoomed away. After a while they jumped through Sugercube Corner. They looked back seeing no glimpse of pinkie. Until a sinister laugh came from behind the two fillies.
"I'm glad to see you here," Pinkie smirked. "Friends." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slowly backed up and into a corner.
"p-please don't hurt us!" Silver Spoon whimpered.
Pinkie slid her left hoof across a bloody bat as she locked the door. "Oh...I wont hurt you...but I don't know friend!" She laughed as the Bat struck down on the two fillies heads and they fell unconscious.
Diamond Tiara opened her eyes, yawning loudly. As she looked around, she realized it wasn't a dream.
"SilverSpoon!? Where are you!?" She was breathing heavily as A light flickered on SilverSpoon. Her cutie Marks were tore right off as Diamond tiara gasped and struggled. She noticed they were tied down.
"Silver Spoon! HELP ME!" Diamond screamed. Silver Spoon was sobbing. As Diamond Tiara struggled to get free, she stared at her friend.
"Were are we!?" She questioned as pinkie hopped to them. "Finally! I had to start SilverSpoon without you!!" Pinkie was holding a large knife. "P-pinkie...look were sor-" she was cut off as Pinkie shoved the Knife around her Cutiemark tracing around it. Diamond screamed as Silver was in horror.
As Diamond Tiara let out loud screams of terror, Silver tried getting her hooves out of the straps that held her hoofs down. Pinkie managed to get one of Diamonds cutie marks off, and then moved on to the other.
"Don't worry! Since your so RICH I bet your stupid parents can get you new cutiemarks!!" Pinkie Laughed and started slicing around the Cutiemarks again. Diamond screamed as she closed her eyes about to pass out. "Hey Diamond!" Pinkie called as she looked at her crying. "Think fast!!" Pinkie ripped the rest of her cutiemark and Diamond moved her legs making pinkie rip a part of the Cutiemark ruining it. "Aww. You made me mess up!"
Pinkie placed the cutie marks on the cart. Then, she looked back over at Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon was still struggling to get her hoof out.
"Oh come on! You don't want to spend your last moments with your dearest friend Pinkie?" Pinkie pouted.
"Please...were just fillies..!" Silver spoon whimpered "just...Fillies...!?" Pinkie sounded like she was about to snap. "JUST FILLIES!? MORE LIKE STUPID WORTHLESS NO LIFE FILLIES!" She yelled as the both whimpered. Silver Spoon began to sob once again as Diamond Tiara shivered and whimpered. "W-were sorry..!" Diamond cried out. Pinkie snickered.
"I'm sorry, Diamond! But your number was chosen!" Pinkie said. "And, I also wanted to do this because your a little, stupid, prissy, bitch!" Pinkie looked on her cart what else she could do and saw Diamonds face turning red, not from tears but anger. "You know what...FUCK YOU!" She cried out as Silver gasped. Pinkie slowly picked up some scissors as she growled.
"You really thing your stupid little fucking words are gonna harm me, you brat?!" Pinkie snapped. As Pinkie slowly trotted over to Diamond, she kept the scissors in her grasp.
"What do you plan on doing!? You should have stayed on the fucking rock farm and ROT!" She yelled as Silver Whispered. "Shut the fuuck upppp!"
Diamond ignored her and kept on ranting."Don't ever fucking talk about my family!" Pinkie screamed in Diamonds face. "And I mean DONT!" She yelled as she pryed open Diamonds mouth. She struggled to keep in open but pinkie shoved the scissors in her mouth and she ripped her tougne as she screamed. Silver cried, "please stop!! Diamond!!"
Pinkie ignored Silvers pleads.
"Now you won't be such a smart ass son of a bitch!" Pinkie growled. Tears trickled down Diamonds cheeks.
She was breathing heavily as she went into a small chest. Silver struggled as Diamond started loosing consciousness. Pinkie searched through her deadly tools and took out a Axe. "Let's chop this up!" She laughed and closed her chest as Diamonds pupils got smaller as her eyes widened.
Silver watched in shock as Pinkie aimed right for Diamonds stomach and brought the axe down. As the filly screamed, Pinkie giggled insanely. Silver went back to trying to get her hoof out of the strap.
"are you enjoying your party!??!?" She bring the Axe down serveral tines as the poor filly screamed. Finally after what seemed to me 10 or more hits the filly wasn't breathing. Silver was in shock as pinkie threw the Axe away and it hit a wall.
"P-please don't hurt me!" Silver cried. Pinkie rolled her eyes and focused on Silver."That's what they all say," she murmured, as she turned away from Silver and to her tray of tools.
She got an idea. She grabbed a small kitchen knife and walked over to Silver. She took off her glasses and crushed them in her hooves. She grabbed some of the glass and stabbed a piece in each of hooves as she yelled. "STOP! PLEASE IT HURRTS!" She sobbed as Pinkie had a insane smile on.
"It's supposed to, Silvey!" Pinkie giggled. "Now don't worry. The pain will be over soon." Suddenly, Pinkie began to cut open Silver Spoons stomach. She traced down more opening her stomach.
She looked at silver crying and got a quick idea. She grabbed one of her ears and starts slicing it off as she let out terrifying screams. She cut off both her ears and went down to the stomach.
"Hmmm.." Pinkie muttered as she reached inside of Silvers stomach and poked at all the organs. Silver sobbed quietly as Pinkie did so.
"I know you can't hear me! Buuut I enjoyed this so much! Finally got to kill the two most STUPIDEST Fillies in PonyVille!" She grabbed her lungs ripping them out as Silver screamed. Finally the heart. She grabbed a small scalpel and reached to the vein connecting the heart to the body.
Then, she cut it. As Pinkie took it out, Silvers eyes slowly closed. Silver was no more. Silver was.. dead.
Pinkie was glad she killed two fillies. She was finally done. They talked about her family. They were the ones she actually missed. She looked at the time and just remembered there was a party going on tommorow. She was invited of course. She cleaned up herself and fixed up there bodies setting down for later. She placed all her tools on the tray.
She laughed to herself as she went back into the bucket. She brang it up stairs and looked out a window too see which pony would be next. She pulled out number '24'. She looked at her chart to see her next victim.


As gilda flew overhead with rainbowdash she smiled to herself and laughed.

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