Chapter 1: Yoga class

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You wake up from your alarm ringing. Its 7 am, you hit the snooze button annoyed.
You dont wanna get up every day is the same horrible thing.
You turn around and close your eyes before you know it the alarm goes off again. You get up and go to the bathroom.
Shower, brush your teeth, eat, go to school, go back home, do homework, eat dinner and go to sleep. Its always the same.
You finish getting ready for school, you say bye to your mom then go off to school. Its a 30 minute bike ride so you always wear your earphones, nothing music cant fix.

You arrive at school as you're walking to the class you're friend mia joins you.
She starts filling you up on all the new rumours that are going around the school.
You just nod, you don't really care about all the high school drama. You're only 17 its not like any of it is gonna matter when you're 30 or something.
But she cares and she's your best friend, in fact she's your only friend but thats not the point.
The point is that she's your best friend and if she talks about stuff she likes you listen to her and act interested.
You split up to go to class waiting for the lunch break.

At lunch you sit with mia she tells you about her new "thing".
Mia has a lot of "things" she never sticks to one longer than 3 weeks though.
Last month it was jogging, the month before that it was painting and now its yoga.
She keeps rambling about yoga you just nod you're not really listening.
The bell rings it time to get back to class you snap back to reality and get up to go to class, mia stops you.
"Im so happy you're going with me! Ill text you the address!" She says.
You look at her confused.
You ask her what she means.
"Yoga class! You just agreed to come. Remember?"
Fuck, i should have paid more attention to my nodding.
"Yeah, yeah i know. Ill be there at Uhm...what time was it again?"
She smiles and tells you its at 7 pm, she then happily walks off to class.
You pick up your backpack.
What have i gotten myself into....
You go to class waiting for it to be 4 pm so you can go home.

You come home, your mom is in the kitchen making dinner as always.
"Hey mom, im going to this yoga class with mia at 7 if that's alright?"
She smiles and nods.
"Im glad you're getting out of the house for once, don't forget to do your homework though, okay hun?"
You nod "yeah of course"
You go to your room and put your backpack in the corner of your room.
You start your homework when you get a text. Its mia

-mia- hey heres the address of the yoga class, cant wait!
-you- yeah me neither, should be fun!

You put your phone down and finish your homework.
You go downstairs to eat dinner with your mom and little brother max.
At dinner your little brother max wont shut up about these two girls he saw kissing outside of his school and how he didn't know girls could kiss girls.
Your mom looks at him and says "i bet you didn't know that boys can kiss boys also then?"
His eyes widen in excitement "really!!!!!"
Your mom chuckles and nods.
You smile a little even though no one knows your into girls its still great to know they support you.
After dinner you get ready for yoga class, you say bye to your mom then get on your bike.
Its only 15 minutes but you still wear your headphones.

You arrive at the yoga class at 6.45 pm a little too early and mia isn't there yet.
You decide to go inside since its cold outside and you don't like being outside alone in the dark.
You go to the room were the class is supposed to be and see that theres only one person inside yet you cant really see who it is since she's standing with her back to you.
"Hey" you say softly
She turns around.
You feel your cheeks get warm immediately.
Shes too beautiful to be real.
She has long dark hair, the prettiest eyes you've ever seen. She has freckles im her face which you think is the cutest but apart from that she has the cleanest most shining skin.
She looks at you and smiles "hey! Im jenna, havent seen you here before."
You swallow "yeah well, im only here because my friend mia forced me too"
You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly.
Damn even her voice is the most perfect thing.
"Hey girlie!!!" Mia yells as she runs in and hugs you
You stumble almost falling over by the sudden force of her hug.
A few other people come in as well.
"Alright lets get started!" Jenna says.
You look at mia and whisper "wait is she the instructor?"
Mia nods "yes she is she's the best"
You swallow hard.
During yoga class you have a hard time keeping yourself together. And for some reason you cant stop staring at her, which makes you able to see that she is looking at you almost the whole time aswel.
I mean maybe its just because she can feel you staring at her..yeah its probably just that. After yoga class you say bye to mia then hop on your bike but then you notice your tire has been slashed.
You get off and take your phone to call your mom.
Great battery dead now i have to walk home.
You put your phone back in your pocket as you hear jenna's voice behind you "hey, everything okay?"
You quickly spin around "yes! I-i mean tire got slashed and my phone is dead so i have to walk home now"
She looks at you almost as if she is thinking. "Where do you live, maybe i can drop you off? My tires are fine."
You tell her your address really, really hoping shes talking about a car.
You cant sit behind her on a bike and hold on the her you'll panic and be weird.
She gets a white bike "hop on!" She said
Oh fuck...
You climb on behind her resting your hand on your own thighs.
"Maybe you should hold on to me i don't want you to fall off and get hurt" she says in a concerned voice.
You slowly wrap your arms around her waist trying not to lose it.
She brings you home as you get off of her bike you try to keep your head down to the ground. You know you're face is all red right now "thank you" you say quietly
"No problem! Hopefully mia forces you to come again soon" she says then bikes off.

You go inside not knowing how to feel or what to think. You go straight to your room, to your bed.
You lay down but you cant seem to sleep.
You keep seeing her in your mind.
When you finally fall asleep its 3 am.
Tomorrow will be the same, horrible day again.
Like every day.
Except for today, today was actually kinda...kinda good.

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