Memories ?

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Nightmare was reading his book by the tree in the afternoon. Dream had left the tree to pay a visit in the shops nearby with his friends. Soon, it was getting darker and darker. Dream didn't show up, Nightmare was of course, worried.

When Nightmare was about to get up, Dream showed up shouting his brothers name. "Night!" Soon hugging him tightly while smiling. Nightmare for sure got surprised.. Still, he'd ask; " Dream! Why did you take so long to come back? I was worried! " - " I' m Sorry brother. They took me to their house to grab some tea and.. You know i couldn't say no. But how are you? " - Dream sits beside Nightmare, laying his head down on his brothers shoulders. "Oh.. I see. I am good." - He'd say in a calm tone. - "That's good, brother! What book are you reading this time?" - Nightmare would sigh. - "It's that fairytale book i told you about." - "Can you read one part of the story for me? Please!" - Dream would say in a really excited tone, closing his fists and shaking them in the air after getting his head off his brothers shoulders. Smiling. - "I can! Just lay down." - Nightmare pats his lap, signing Dream to lay his head over there.

Dream soon stops shaking, also laying down onto his lap looking at Nightmare's face while smiling. Nightmare was reading his favorite chapter to his little brother and meanwhile Dream slowly fell asleep. Nightmare would softly caras Dreams head. He never slept just to watch the tree, he never felt sleepy after all so it wasn't such problem to him. He just wanted to protect the tree of feelings.

The negative guardian actually felt atleast a little Happy while his brother, the positive guardian, was next to him. He loves this moment and misses those good times.


"Brother! Brother please wake up!"

Nightmare soon woke up, confused while looking at Dream with a few villagers around him. He realized he was beaten up by the same villagers and got unconsious. 💭 'Of course.. They beated me until i passed out.' - He would sit down on the grass, cleaning his clothes that were full of leaves. Dream was slowly healing his.. Wounds? - "Oh my goodness, Brother! Do you remember what happened? These wounds are horrifying! Your bruises too.." - Dream was terrified. - "I'm okay, Dream. No need to worry.. I just.. Uhm.. Fell. I fell!" - Nightmare didn't want to make Dream know about the bullying he was suffering. Dream on the other hand believed what he said since he had just woken up.

A while later, he was watching the birds singing close to other normal trees around the location. He didn't have anything to do, they took their book from him aswell and threw it in the lake nearby. He soon rests his head onto the tree of feelings, looking at the golden apples almost mixed with the other ones. He'd sigh; "When will all of this end? I am sick of it."

A dark and gooey-like figure
appeared. It was Corrupted, or as
Passive usually calls him, "Mare."

"Everything will soon end, but only if you eat the negative apple. I will
give you such good life, Night.
Trust me.."

Passive would not stare at him. Not at all. He feared Corrupted. His mind started getting.. More heavy? The negativity of Mare simply crushed his mindset and mood.

" You know i won't do that, Mare. "

'Mare chuckled. Soon floating over in front of Passive.

"I'll give you everything you want, if you only eat even a single bite of it! What do you wish for.. Night?"

Passive knew 'Mare was trying to manipulate him but couldn't resist this time. He wanted a good life for once, but that choice was for sure, the wrong one.

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