chapter 6

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Izhaan's POV

I sighed deeply and exited the court room. I spoke non-stop for hours, and I have been standing for so long, to say I was tired would be an understatement. To be honest I was mentally exhausted more than physically

I stopped to have a talk with my client, after assuring him that everything was on our side, i turned to leave when I saw Kabir walking towards me

"That was some good arguments" he complimented, I chuckled

"Thank you sir" I saluted dramatically

"Where are you going now?"

"To office" i shrugged

"Have you got five minutes to spare?" He asked getting serious

"Yeah! Tell me" I said, he took out his phone and showed me some CCTV footage, it was about the case he was handling right now

"Something seems a little off in this, but I really can't put my finger on it, what do you think?" He passed his phone to me, I looked at the video once, twice, thrice. I exhaled heavily

"Oh! I get it" finally finding the odds in the footage, I explained to him

"Goodness! How could I not see it? You really have an eagle's vision. Amazing" he patted my shoulder lightly

"Thanks" I returned his phone to him. "I'll take your leave now, the hearing of your case starts in fifteen minutes" i reminded him

"Yeah. Let's go clubbing this weekend, it's been a little while"

"Sure. Make a plan and let me know" I said

After talking for another minute we both went our separate ways.

I stopped when I saw inspector shaurya standing, he was talking on the phone but when he saw me approaching he hung up

"All well?" I asked

"Not really! My wife is angry at me. She said that I don't have time for her and I am always just busy with work" he face palmed himself, I laughed

"That's quite sad" I joked

Inspector shaurya and I are a kind of team, we both have helped each other a lot in resolving cases. We honestly make a good team.

"Are you heading to office now?" He asked


"You remember our coffee is long due, let's go catch up over a cup of coffee, I need a shoulder to cry on right now" we both laughed at his terrible joke

"So, shall we?" He asked

I took a moment to think if I had any important work, my schedule of the day looked pretty clear for now

"Yes! Sure"

"Great" he beamed

"Let's go in my car" I walked towards my car, he followed me

We both settled in the car and I began driving. There was a silence of a few minutes in the car, then he spoke

"I'm quite positive that the court will give his verdict by the next hearing"

"Let's hope it is in our favour" I said maneuvering the car in the fast lane, he let out a chuckle

"Of course. You are so good at your arguments and in proving your point, the verdict "will" be in your favour"

"It's not about my argument, my point proving or anything about me. I just don't want any innocent life to suffer and that's all I try"

"You are too honest and truthful to be an advocate" I just laughed it off.

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