Nap Dreamt 5/14

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Authors note
Look this is weird and makes no sense plus "Garry" from the other chapters is now Thomas ok anyway enjoy

So I'm at some kind of hospital camp with the seven other kids from my class for a graduation party (Starting strong) and some people who are in the class below us are there. I'm in a room that looks exactly like mine just in a different location outside. Ian, Alex, Thomas and I are looking through laundry and we find a sweatshirt that belongs to James. We put it in the wash anyway and then go outside. Then I don't remember a huge section. My home room teacher hand me a dress and some face glitter and tells me that the eighth graders are dressing fancy to be presented to the camp patients for some reason and I go to change. I put on the dress and I start crying. I am upset because I think I look extremely ugly. I put on the glitter on my eyes and I head out. On the way I'm still then I run into a lady who has swirling galaxy eyes. She tells me that in the future and now that people find me beautiful. I question her saying "You're blind how can you think I'm beautiful how can anyone!" I was yelling and she told me that she knows all and then she just disappears. I go out into the party and some stuff I can't remember happens. After that there's a casual party at this weird deserted camp ground. I go outside and I give James his sweatshirt. I start talking to Elizabeth and she was upset at my friend Danica because she stole her boyfriend. (Her boyfriend in this is her ex irl) So then Alex who Danica "stole" from Elizabeth straight up tells them both he hates them and then asks me out. I straight up say no and he runs off. I go to talk to my mom and she is talking to a crying woman. She is crying because she has twin girls and one is deathly sick at this camp and one isn't. She says that she brought the other twin to visit and she has to take her back in a few minutes. I suggest we take a picture for the sick twin to keep and then everyone in my dream gathers up and we take a group picture on a timed camera. And then I woke up.

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