Lance-ok so what do we do
Keith-i have no idea why are you in my room anyway
Lance-allura sent me to get you when power went out
Keith-let’s get out (stabs knife in door and pushes it open)
Lance-that is cool (walks out)
Pidge-how did you guys get out
Hunk-did you break the door down
Keith-no the door is still able to be used
Shiro-that is nice but how
Lance- keith over here used his knife like a crowbar to wedge open the door
Coran-well that is one way to do that
Keith- i didn’t hear you say anything
Shiro-ok but princess allura what was the point of this
Allura-well paladins i wanted to see how you guys work as a team
Hunk-ok so did we pass
Allura-technically yes but keith you need to rely on the team more
Lance-do you have a problem with teamwork
Shiro-ok so lance i think you could work on fast thinking
Coran-hm yeah we really need to improve
Allura-no offense but he has a point
Pidge-ok but for real do we get new doors cause hunk broke our door
Hunk-i was hungry ok
Lance- is all you ever think about is food
Pidge-i agree
Hunk-hey at least i help at times
Sistem alarms- (loud siren noises)
keith-(runs towards his lion thing)
lance-(runs towards his lion thing)
pidge-(runs towards her lion thing)
Hunk-(runs towards his lion thing)
shiro-(runs towards his lion thing)
allura-(runs to the middle and activates it)
Me-they form voltron with keith in red and lance in blue with shiro is in black and hunk in yellow and pidge in green
After an epic fight against zarkon voltron won but did not catch zarkon
Lotor-father should be proud if i bring him a member of voltron
Me-lotor walked into a paladins room
Lance-man keith why don’t you trust me
Keith-who in their right mind except allura would trust you
lance-(offended lance noises)
Keith-i’m going to bed bye
Pidge-hey shiro why does keith like you the most
Shiro-i have known him for most of his life
Lance-hey shiro how come he never brings his parents on parents day
Me-with keith
Keith-(walks in room)
lotor-(put a rag over keith mouth with nap time) it’s not illegal in space
random story with keith from voltron
Fanfictioni honestly dont know how to describe it read it if intriguing none of these belong to me