Make Me Cum

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Beautiful, I know I am

I'm the one I want to sleep with

Me on top

Getting fucked, by myself

In and out

In and out

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

Mom and dad here I am

I'm the one who makes me cum

Makes me cum

No one else was myself

Don't need you

I don't need you

I don't need you

Me on top

Getting fucked, by myself

In and out

In and out

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

Mom and dad here I am

I'm the one who makes me cum

Makes me cum

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

I'm the one who makes me so happy

And I want me all just for myself

There's no restrictions anymore

I'm a grown man

I'm a big girl

There's no restrictions anymore

I'm a grown man

I'm a big girl

There's no restrictions anymore

I'm a grown man

I'm a big girl

Beautiful, I know I am

I'm the one who makes me cum

Makes me cum

Me on top

Getting fucked, by myself

In and out

In and out

I'm the one who hates me so much

I'm the one who hates me so much

Mom and dad here I am

Don't need you

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