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"Hyunie, your Uncle Chris is here." Seokjin announced with a fond smile.

Minho secretly rolled his eyes at the announcement. "Just great." He murmurs irritated. Minho and Hyunjin were currently eating snacks from McDonald's that the older bought on his way as per the younger requested. They both planned to visit Hyunjin's doctor, then date at the mall after.

"Did you say something, hyungie?" Hyunjin asked with a smile.

Minho shook his head, and just shrugged. "Do you know that he's coming today?" He raised his left brow.

"No. I thought it was Uncle Jimin's schedule today. Hyunjin replied honestly.

"Oh. Then we have to move the doctor's appointment later today, since Mr. Bang is already here." He suggested.

"I think so-"

"Jinnie, i have something for you that I know you'll lo-. Oh, Minho." Chan looked disappointed, but not surprised.

"Uncle." Hyunjin excitedly stands up to hug Chan. In a situation like this, when Chan visits the Kim-Jeon house, they know how to act the Uncle-nephew roles. To say that the both of them were really used to it when the boy's parents are around is something that is really unbelievable for Minho. "This is for me?" The boy squeals taking the ice cream from Chan.

"Of course." The older smile, then pats the boy's head.

"Don't eat too much of it, Love. The doctor said that eating ice cream while you're pregnant makes the baby bigger, and it will be difficult for you to carry. Also, it'll be hard for you to give birth." Minho explained with so much concern. Chan looked at Minho with his judging eyes.

"Minho was right, Hyunie. Too many sweets, and cold desserts such as ice cream would give you difficulty." Seokjin agreed while smiling at Minho. He's so proud, and grateful for the younger.

"I'm so sorry, Jin hyung. I didn't know." Chan replied feeling guilty.

"Understandable. Maybe you need to find a partner, so you can also have little Bang Chan to chase and play around." Seokjin teased that made Chan's face and ears turned red.

"To be honest, I already have someone. But the circumstances don't let me have him." Chan replied with a fake smile.

"Mind telling me, why it's like that?" Seokjin asked with worry. He treats Chan as his younger brother too, since Jungkook and the latter literally grew up together.

"I think me and him were meant to be, but we did it wrong."

"Aw~. Honest feelings and bad timing really make the most painful combination." Seokjin commented. "Minho?" He called out worried. "Are you crying?"

Minho got startled at what Seokjin said. He unconsciously wiped the tears on his cheeks. "I didn't know that I was crying." He honestly replied.

"Gosh. Seems like Chan and you are similar in a way. Both softies." He chuckles. "I will never be surprised if both of you fell in love with the same personality." He looks at Hyunjin. "Right, baby?"

Hyunjin awkwardly smiled. "I... I think so." He replied, not looking at any of his lovers. "I'll put these ice cream in the fridge first. So I can have it later."

"Only once a day, Love." Minho sternly reminded that made the younger giggled. It also made Seokjin like Minho for Hyunjin more.

Chan wants to take care of the boy too, away from the people judging eyes and narrow mindset. He wants to show him what he can sacrifice if the younger let him. For Hyunjin, Chan sacrifice enough for him, but for Chan. It's never enough. The younger didn't know that Chan's means by sacrificing, means his everything.

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