Hyunlix: date pt 1💛💚⚠️💕

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Hyunjin POV:

I opened my eyes to be greeted with a relatively light room. I like being in the dark so I've got curtains up to block the sun better, though that means the sun obviously can't shine through very much. The other members don't seem to mind ether.

The clock read 8:30

I slowly threw my blankets to the side and sat up, stretching my arms and legs.

Once I was ready, I headed to the common area. I wonder who's up.


I entered the kitchen to find Han at the stove and Minho at the island. I went to the living room and saw changbin and Chan on the couch.

3rd pov

Chan: morning Hyunjin

Hyunjin: good morning. Where's everyone else?

Changbin: Felix is sleeping last I saw, but I don't know about the maknaes

Chan: I think they are getting ready to go to the shop.

Hyunjin: oh, alright

Chan: what's up?

Hyunjin; just wondering. I wanna go find Felix.

Changbin chuckled and nodded.

Chan: alright, we don't have anything going on today so maybe you two should get out and do something.

Hyunjin; like what?

Chan: Minho said him and Han are going on a date. Do you think Felix would do something like that? Kind of relax and spend time together.

Hyun shrugged with a very small smile

Hyunjin: maybe...I'll go see...

The two on the couch nodded and  I headed to Felix's room.

Hyunjins pov:

I entered his room quietly and kneeled by the head of the bed, taking his soft hand and gently squeezing it a few times.

The blonde stirred and slowly opened his beautiful brown eyes, smiling sweetly when he saw me.

Hyun: good morning, angel.

Felix covered his face with the blanket to hide that he was blushing. His voice was a bit gravely as he'd just woken up.

Felix: why'd you say that.
He said shyly. I chuckled.

Hyun: you're just so beautiful
The blonde gave a quick peck to my lips.

Hyun: sooo do you wanna do anything fun today?

Felix giggled, rolled onto his belly, and layed starfish style.

Felix: nope

Hyun: really?

Felix: nu-uh

Hyun: alriight

Felix giggled again.

Felix: I'm kiiidddiinng

Hyun: oh really?
I smirked

Felix: of course I wanna do something, it's our first real day off in like a month.

Hyun: what do you think we should do?

Felix: I'm not sure, what do you wanna do?

Hyun: go on a date?

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