Its snowing!-N.R.&W.M.

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This just came into my mind because its snowing here:D

Have fun at reading<3
Age : 5

*No one's POV*
You never really had a long sleep, you were a short sleeper. But the first thing you always did when you wake up was looking out of the window.

So, with you small legs, you jumped out of bed and onto the chair which stood next to the window. You roughly pulled the curtains aside and looked out.

But something was different. It was ... white Outside ? You could remember that you moms told you about it and that it only happens in the winter.

But what was it called again. It's...

,,ITS SNOWING!!'',you exclaimed excited ,jumping down the chair. Your little footsteps made their way to your moms bedroom.

Natasha and Wanda were peacefully cuddleing with each other, until they could hear the door creeping open. They knew exactly it was you ,because everyone else would've knocked.

,,mommy ! Mama!'',upon hearing you scream the red heads eyes snapped open in worry. Until they saw you smiling over both ears.

You jumped on the bed ,letting you little body fall inbetween your parents.

,,What is it little munchkin?'',nat asked you softly caressing your cheek. ,,Its snowing Mama!'',you big green ,sparkeling eyes looked in you Mama's green eyes, which felt like a mirror.

,,Bubs, lets get breakfast and then we will change our clothes and go out alright?'',Wanda suggests ,putting a loose strain of hair behind your ear.

You nodded eagerly ,jumping down from the bed and running into the kitchen.

Wanda and Nat shared a quick kiss which nat tried to deepen but wanda stopped her. ,,My Love ,we need to get up our little Baby is waiting already in the kitchen'',wanda explained making nat pout.

Wanda pecked the pout of her love before they got up together and interwined their fingers.


You couldn't even sit still during breakfast. You stuffed your mouth full so you could be ready impossible fast.

,,Detka slow down, you're gonna choke'',your mama warned you, but you couldn't care less. All you thought about was the white snow and how it would feel like walking on it.

,,Donee!!'',you excmlaimed, jumping of the chair wanting to ran up to your room but the witch caught you just in time.

,,Not so fast little missy!'',wanda warned, she stood up and took you in her arms to clean your mouth and face in the bathroom. Before she did that ,she asked her wife to make the dishes which nat happily agreed to.

,,Mommy i wanna go out!!'',you whined because the getting ready takes longer than you wanted. ,,I know sweetie ,but we need to get ready.'',wanda caressed your cheek. You were ready already but Wanda needed to do her make up along with nat.

,,Ok munchkin ,i'm done. We can already take on our jackets while mommy gets done her.'',Nat suggested takeing you in her arms downstairs.

While your Mama put on your shoes you wer babbleing about how you wanted to go skiing and you wanted to build a snowman. How you wanted to do a snowball fight with your mums and making a snow angel.

Nat carefully listened, with a wide smile plastered across her face. Watching her little mini me going on and on about the snow with a laugh here and there.

Scarlizzie/Wandanat x Daughter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now