I met Death

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Silent night.
Sleep not granted. Settled on window bench.
Reflection of my face in the glass.
Dried traces of tears, dark bags under bloodshot eyes, dried lips.

Beyond the reflection, the storm.
Even sky has to scream sometimes.

Five minutes, ten, fifteen... no sense of time.
Senses lagging.

Atmosphere shifted. Stuffier. Air vanishing. Fighting for air to breathe.
Lights flickered, once, twice and then out.

Pitch black.
Dead silent.
Blind and deaf.
Reflection gone, forest disappeared, world not existing.
Blinking. Blinding darkness.

Shadow around me consuming body whole.
No move.

Ghosts? Demons? Devil?

Shadow stirred. Chair knocked to ground, hut quaking.
Shadow assumed a shape.
Body shape.


More solid than the rest. Standing out distinctly.
Smoke in the room, suddenly air to breathe.

Trauma of the last days, hallucination?
It spoke.
I wished to be hallucinating.

"Mercy Jalal," the shadow spoke. "You have no idea how great it is to finally meet you in person."
Couldn't say the same.

It had legs - as I saw in the window that was able to reflect again - because the shape took about two steps forward.
It faced my back.
There was still no light in the room and I couldn't exactly make out who or what stood behind me.

Who was talking to me.

My imagination ran free. Especially when it turned on the lamp without pressing the light switch.
The light flickered and fell on its face.

It looked like a human.

But it was not human.

"By the expression on your face I'm guessing you don't have a clue who I am, do you?", he said and I didn't know if I had a disabled ability to hear, but he sounded amused.

Do not ask me how I managed to get a single syllable out.

"Am I supposed to?" My voice came out on the verge of trembling, my heart was certainly on the verge of breaking through my ribs.

The polished soles of his shoes clattered against the wood of the ground.

"Kind of. I'm the reason your world is so dark and demented right now."

My brows crinkled. "You're... the darkness?", I asked.

"Not exactly." He marched a few steps forward again, his hands kept in the pockets of his black pants and the iron rod shoved up my spine disabled me of stirring one limb.

"I'm more the ending of the darkness. The head."

The same second the words left his mouth, a shockwave rolled through my body.
I raised my head and turned to face him.

I looked into his eyes.


He smirked.

"You got that quick, impressive. Guess people weren't lying when they said you were a quick thinker."

He sounded normal like a human.
He looked like a human in the black suit he was wearing.
He had taken on a human shape.
For God's sake, Death was smiling!

"My name's Azriel. I'm the Angel of Death," he introduced himself casually. "I would give you my hand to shake but I don't think the time's right for proper greetings."

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