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The sun shone brightly in the clear sky, Seth Rollins sat outside in his backyard enjoying the quiet, as he drank his coffee. Seth had always been an early riser, but today he had a special reason to be awake early. After four weeks in the hospital, because of a car accident his best Roman Reigns was finally being released! The first three weeks Roman had been in a coma, and no one knew if he'd wake up, or how he'd be after he did. Thankfully though Roman had woken up a week ago and the only side effect from it was that Roman had no memory of the accident.

Seth was beyond happy Roman would be alright, but the accident had been the latest heartbreak for their little family, just one of many horrible things that seemed to happen way too often to them. No matter what happened though nothing could destroy their bond, and they always came out stronger because of it! Besides Roman and himself, there were six others that made up their close family; starting with Seth's husband Dean Ambrose, then there's Seth and Dean's three, beautiful adopted children twins Oliver and Olivia and their youngest Madlyne. Then there's Eddie and Will White, close friends to the trio who were more like parents than friends to all three men. Their little family had been through a lot together, but no matter what happened their love for each other had been enough to keep them together.


"Yeah?" Seth answered turning around to see Dean standing in the doorway.

"You okay baby boy?" Dean asked concerned.

"I'm fine, why?" Seth asked confused, as he stood and went to Dean.

"I called your name like five times, and you never answered!" Dean explained, as he brushed some of Seth's hair behind his ears.

"I was just thinking, sorry babe!" Seth said kissing Dean. "Honestly, I'm fine!"

"You're sure?" Dean asked, not entirely convinced.

"I'm sure!" Seth answered kissing him again.

"Eddie and Will are on their way over, I just talked to them."

"The kids awake?" Seth asked, as they went back inside.

"Yep! The twins are eating their breakfast, Maddie's making a mess with hers!"

"Okay, do you want the shower first?" Seth asked, as they went into the kitchen.

"Papa!" The twins said together smiling.

"Morning guys!" Seth said greeting them, as he kissed all three kids on their heads.

"I was hoping we could save water, you know!" Dean said smirking.

"Save water huh?" Seth said smiling.

"You know how much I like to save water! I'm really into that!" Dean said leaning against the counter, as Seth picked up Maddie's banana's off the floor.

"Oh yeah, you're a real friend to the environment!" Seth teased laughing.

"Hello, we're here!" Eddie's voice rang out, as they came into the kitchen.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" The twins said together, as they got down and went to them.

"Hello, my little angels!" Eddie greeted them with kisses.

"Morning boys!" Will greeted Dean and Seth after he had hugged the twins.

"You two better get ready to go pick up Rommie!" Eddie said, as she kissed Maddie's head. "He's probably pacing the room waiting for you to get there!"

"Knowing Rome...yep!" Dean said, as they all laughed.

"Come on babe, let's go get ready!" Seth said, as he winked at Dean.

"Let's go!" Dean answered grabbing Seth's hand dragging him out of the room, both laughing.


Roman was already dressed and packed, he had been up not long after the sun rose, he couldn't wait to go home! He had been stuck in the hospital long enough, sure he had been in a coma for three weeks, and only been awake for a week, but that was enough for him! Honestly though, being in the hospital hadn't been all horrible. The staff were nice, but the food was crap; thankfully his family brought him real food when they visited, and he had actually met a woman who was smart, kind, sweet, beautiful...everything Cassie wasn't! The woman was his nurse Emily, they spent a lot of time together during his week in the hospital, they talked all the time and he felt so comfortable around her! He was really attracted to her and wanted to ask her out, but found himself resisting and up until last night, he had no idea why he was so hesitant to do it! Last night though as he lay in bed he realized that even though he was completely over Cassie, what she did to him made him afraid to open up to another. Even though he knew Emily was different from Cassie in every way, the thought of letting another person into his heart, only to have them break it scared him!

His thoughts were interrupted when his brothers came into the room laughing, Seth was pushing Dean in a wheelchair Roman instantly smiled seeing them.

"My brothers!" Roman said standing, before he hugged them.

"We're here to spring you lose big man!" Dean said smiling.

"About damn time!" Roman replied.

"A little anixous are we?" Seth asked smiling.

"I can't wait to get out of here, and sleep in my own bed!" Roman answered.

"I'll go grab your discharge..."

"I'll go!" Dean said cutting Seth off. "You stay and help Ro!" He said, before he quickly left the room.

Roman looked at Seth confused, Seth just as confused shrugged his shoulders.


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