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AM I a bad father? I feel like a bad father for making my daughter hide who she is. I feel like I should have been able to let her be who she is and not want her to be more.

I've been alone for most of my life ,only looking after myself and no one else. It's hard to change your way of nature for someone else ,to care for something or someone other than yourself. I never had siblings or a pet, never had my parents love really. I practically raised myself. My mother was always off attending charity events or off in other countries helping out there. I didn't grow up with my mother ,she left when I was two and never came back.

The only thing I have of her is a letter stating why she left and that she had no other choice. I didn't believe a single word in that letter and just knew it was bull. My father only ever cared about the mafia and how to be more powerful, in other words he was a egotistical power hungry loving dick. He made my mother leave but he didn't force her to leave me , no she did that herself.

At first my father wasn't that bad. He would always come home late because of work and missions. I understood and of course I was upset just like any other five year old would be. I started developing this furry towards him because of his absence in my life.

At the tender age of twelve he started training me to becoming the next Don. At first training was okay but as time went by he became more ruthless and would hit me if he thought my technique wasn't right or if I missed the target when doing target practice.

I was so glad when my father was killed during a mission hone wrong. I shouldn't have been but I was. On that day it felt like I could finally breathe without feeling like it was wrong. I could finally just be normal. I was able to be a normal thirteen year old kid but that didn't last long. While I thought I could finally be a kid the mafia was going down in flames.

Our mafia was already not the best but my father had control and people followed him without question. It wasn't because he was an amazing leader because he guy couldn't even be good to his son no, it was because here it was more like if you don't follow you die. So people who were dumb enough to join my father's mafia didn't know what they signed up for.

At thirteen ai took over before the whole mafia could fall apart. I had to show them that I could rule and be worthy of being the Don. I had to be cold. I had to flip the switch and turn off my emotions . I killed people without blinking an eye and without remorse.

I only started feeling emotions again when Rosa walked into my life. She showed me that I could be more than just a cold hearted killer. I was a father above all and she was my first priority. But I also realized that with being a father I had to be more ruthless to protect everything that is her.

When she came home after her first day and didn't talk to me I was so angry with myself because that had never happened. I saw her fist and blamed myself for that. I know she hurts herself when she can't control what is happening around her . She hates change and I just ignored her because I want to keep her safe. I thought moving was safe, to be in a new environmental was safe but I was wrong.

And now I feel like the world's worst father.

I can't even tell her what is going on now at the moment, I just hope she forgives me for not telling her and ai hope she can understand I did this for her-no one else matters but her.

Unknown p.o.v

It was their first Friday night in the city and while Sachihiro wanted nothing more than to spend time with his daughter-Rose decided to spend her Friday somewhat different. This have been different lately, the father-daughter duo have become distant. The feelings of guilt and helplessness have been eating the notorious Greek Don alive.

For the first or second time since he has been a father Sachihiro doesn't know what to do or how he should face his mistake.

Sachihiro was sitting in the living room having a nice drink or two of scotch. He was debating what his next move should be, should he inform his daughter of the immanent danger that is on the arise or let her be a teenager for once without having to worry about the dangers of being an assassin and mafia princess.

The man was so deep in his thoughts about keeping the danger a secret for a while more that he didn't hear the sound of red bottom heels coming down the stairs. When he snapped out of his thoughts ,he saw Rosa standing infront of him .

Infront of his stood a beautiful young woman, he couldn't call her a girl anymore but she'll always be his little girl at heart. She stood with so much confidence just like her father. Her red bottom heels made her 3'inches taller then what she really is which is 5'6 against her father who was a good 6'7 inch giant.

Sachihiro looked at his daughter with her hair in a messy curtly fishbraid, in a sage green satin silk dress with the straps going cris cross at the back and a nice looking slit up her left leg. He couldn't be more proud of his beautiful smart daughter.

"Come on old man." He had a slight smile on his face as he heard what he was being called by his daughter.

"And where are you going and why am I accompanying you?" He asked her acting confused.

Rosalia looked at her father and smiled a genuine smile before answering his question. " If you must know dear father I am going out and YOU my good sir are accompanying me. You would you let a nice looking lady dine ALL by herself" She asked her father playfully to which he let out a sound that was like music to Rosalia's ears. To hear her father laugh was one of her favorite sounds in the world because just like her ,she knows he doesn't laugh often.

"Dinner with good company would be lovely dear daughter" He still couldn't stop his chuckles but they were soft now.

"Great let's go then OLD man" she let out a little laugh as they made their way out the front door and heading to Sachihiro's range rover.

Rosa was about to open the passenger side door but her father beat it to her , opening the door for her. She threw him a nice smile showing off her pearly whites. " Thank you good sir" she did a little curtsey before getting in the car.

"Your most welcome me lady"


Hi guys ,how are we doing?

Happy belated Christmas to you all❤️ hope you guys had a great Christmas. Let me know how everyone's Christmas went .

I took so long with this chapter and I'm sorry everyone but I wanted it to be perfect. I'm not sure if it is but let me know what you guys think of Rosalia and Sachihiro's relationship and also don't forget to vote ,guys pleaseeee . I love you all❤️❤️

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