Chapter 31

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Nothing much to say.. Just enjoy the chapter 💁🏻

Roc: *cuddles her*

L: *closes eyes; falls asleep*

Roc: *smiles and falls asleep*

-next day-

L: *still sleeping*

Roc: *wakes up and slowly gets up*

L: *opens eyes*

Roc: *looks at her* more cutie

L: *giggles* morning

Roc: *kisses her*

L: *kisses back*

Roc: *puts hands on her waist*

L: *wraps arms around his neck*

Roc: *puts a hand on her cheek*

L: *slowly pulls away and smiles*

Roc: ily

L: ily2

Roc: *smiles*

L: what's for breakfast ?

Roc: whatever you want to eat

L: pancakes!

Roc: alrighty!

L: yay!!!

Roc: *laughs and picks her up bridal style and takes her downstairs to the kitchen*

L: hehe

Roc: *sets her on the counter and starts making pancakes*

-once they eat breakfast they go get dressed-

So? I know it's another boring one but it's late at night so💁🏻 hope you enjoyed it!

Q: what do you like to eat for breakfast

Ma: a chopped banana with strawberry yogurt on it, topped with granola and some cherries😋

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