Chapter 14

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After a week

"Mama!" Sandra noticed that you're always vomiting

"Yes mi amor?" You said as you vomit again

"Papa!" Sandra shouted asking for his father Haruchiyo

"Yes Princ- OMG what happened!?" Sanzu shouted as he runs towards you

"I-I don't kn-" you vomited again

"That's it Sandra get your Ipad now." Sanzu said as he went to the maids and told them to get the car ready

"Sir the car is ready" one of the maid said

"Love, lets go" Sanzu told to his wife

"Ok" you said as you walk towards the car

     //fast forward//

The Doctor came out of your room

"Uh.. Sir? Are you Y/n Sanzu's Husband?" The Doctor asked him

"Yes I am.." Sanzu said as he stands up holding Sandra

"I have a good news Mr. Sanzu"

"Go on tell me rn" Sanzu commanded

"You're having a another baby Mr. Sanzu" the Doctor said smiling

"W-wha- Sandra can you pinch my cheeks just to be sure Im  not dreaming.. " as Sandra did what her father told her what to do

"Papa.. Am I having a sibling now?" Samdra asked

"Yes Princess, yes" Sanzu said while his eyes are tearing up.

Sanzu putted down Sandra as he walks to your room quickly

He saw you crying and he runs toward you quickly and hugs you

"T-this us not a dream right, Love?" You asked Sanzu just to make sure you are not Dreaming

"Yes, love this isn't a Dream.." Sanzu hugged you more Tightly and He noticed that Sandra is just staring at them

"Princess you can't just stare there come here join us" Sanzu said

"Does that mean Im not gonna be your baby anymore Papa?" Sandra asked as her tears are flowing down her cheeks

"No Princess you will always be my baby" Sanzu said as he tried to comfort his Daughter

Sandra cried loudly

"P-pa-papa is not gonna give me attention" as Sandra said Crying in Sanzu's arms

"Princess don't say that... I love you three so much with all my heart don't say that.." Sanzu said

"No Papa, you will give more attention and Love to your another baby" Sandra cried more loudly while you trying to speak

"Sandra, Baby come here" you said and Sandra nodded

"Mama am I not gonna be an only child anymore? I hate having a sibling" Sandra said to her mother

"Why baby? You should be happy you're having a siblings" yes. Yes you are having twins

"But Mama you will love them more than me and I will be left out in my room.." Sandra said crying

"Baby, no, don't say that, I love you all equally" You said as you tried to comfort Sandra

After an Hour Sandra calmed down

You Three are now at home and you are sleeping at the couch laying on your stomach

"Hey Love don't lay like that the babies will be hurt" Sanzu said

Author's note

That's all for today I tried my best hehe

Sandra is so lucky.. I wish I was her.. No one like me though.

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