Michael x male reader

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I was a nurse. I worked with very special people. And by special people i mean killers, not just any killers. Famous dangerous one.

I was pretty tall and muscular so i never feared them. I worked with danny Johnson aka ghostface. Jason voorhees. Hell i got to talk to hannibal Lecter!

Honestly i loved getting to meet them. And today i get to talk with Michael myers. THE Michael Myers. The boogeyman. The basically the most famous slasher!

I walk into the office of the head doctor and smile at her. "Mr. L/n?" She asked.

"Yes but please call me m/n."

"Right. My name is Dr. Smile. Follow me." She said standing getting a key. So kind wow. We walk down the halls. "Here." She said and pointed to a door, giving me the key before storming off.

Unlocking the door i walk in and close it behind me. I look around the room and saw a bed and a desk with said Michael sitting in a chair with crafts on the desk, facing me.

"Hello Michael my name is m/n. I work with slashers like yourself its really a pleasure to meet you! Im a big fan." I said smiling at him. I saw he was chained by the feet with a small line on the floor. Must be his limit to were he can reach.

With a smile i walk over the line and sit in the chair in front of him. He seemed to tense slightly. I knew the chances of me walking out would be small. Danny was friendly. Jason was ok after a while. Hannibal was chained so much he couldn't move, but Micheal can.

"That's pretty." I said glancing at the mask he was making. "Your very skilled. Ill make sure to bring you some craft things if i can."

He just starred at me. I didn't expect a response. I made some one way small talk with him for a while. He started to work on his mask again.

I looked at his paint and saw it was a shitty kind. "How about some new paint. I have some really good kind in my house. Ill bring it next time." I said and he paused.

I could feel him looking at me even if he visibly didn't move his head.

And i did that. Next day i gave him the paints. And each day i gave him a snack, or gift, or something. He never talked but he would use them or keep them. So i kept bringing them.

As i sat in front of him i couldnt smile even if i tried. He looked up at me and slightly pointed to my mouth. I was shocked my him moving. It made me smile slightly, lifting my mood. "Today is our last day Michael. I only work with someone so long. And your head doctor doesn't like me for some reson so she's kinda making me leave sooner." I explain to him and he didn't say anything.

He did get him and went over to a small chest he had next to his bed. Digging in it i looked away from him hearing the door open. "Times up m/n." Dr. Smile hissed. With a sigh i stood up.

"Good by Michael it was a pleasure to work with you." I said leaving with Dr. Bitch pushing me down to the lobby to sign out.

I walked to my car and drive to my house. Unlocking my door a go and floop on my couch. I put on a horror move and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to a load noise. Jumping up i almost screamed when i saw Micheal fucking myers standing hovering over me. He held out his hand and in it,

"A mask?" I asked confused and he nodded. "..for me?" And he nodded again. I took it and it was amazing. It looked perfect. "Wait you escaped?"

He nodded again. "Are you going to kill me?" He shook his head no and sat next to me on the couch. "..did you come to see me?" I asked hesently and he nodded.

I couldn't help but smile. "Aw. Love you to Micheal." I said looking over my new treasure. Cant wait for him to meet the other hide aways.

Maybe he can even help us get hannibal, danny, and jason out of there prison. But for now. I have to keep him safe.

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