I'm an idiot

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One mission. One. And I blew it. I'm a freaking idiot. It was so easy too. All I had to do was sneak in the castle and kill the demon. Then I had to go to the treasure room and take that damn dagger. But nooo, the demon had to regenerate and kill me. Damn it! I know Lizz and I made this program but it can be so hard to play sometimes. When did Lizz add this feature anyway. Ring... Ring Who the heck would text me this late, it's already 3am. Ring... Ring OK, OK I got it. I'll check the stupid phone.
LizzMizz: You like the castle that I updated. ;D
QueenRein: No! You didn't give me a heads up. I lost all my new upgrades because of that demon.
LizzMizz: What can I say I'm evil. :)
QueenRein: Evil can't even begin to describe you.
LizzMizz: Moving on. What are we going to do for your birthday this year? The special day where you my equally genius of a friend was born.
QueenRein: Plan your death.
LizzMizz: Aww, I'll make it up to you later.
QueenRein: How?
LizzMizz: What about getting you a date. ;)
QueenRein: That's it, I'll torture you to death.
LizzMizz: OK,OK I'm going to bed. See you Tommorrow.
QueenRein: But it's Sunday Tommorrow. Leave me alone. I need to make a new update or else I won't get paid this month.
LizzMizz: You have no choice, I'm still coming. Good night.
Urghraaaawr. I need to get paid this month or I'm going to have to starve. OK maybe that's a lie but I still want to get paid. I love Lizz, but she has been driving me insane lately. I know we have been friends since 3rd grade, but that girl needs to seriously stop it with these damn annoying pranks. Lizz ever since I knew her has been well Lizz. She is a blonde but not the stereotypical blonde, she is an outright genius. We became friends through a private school for the advanced intelligent when my parents realized I was smarter than I looked. I mean they found a 6 year old reading How to program a computer. They kinda flipped and they were like " We have a genius! We have a God damn genius!" They have no filter on them, but they're my parents so I'm stuck with them. After they had their shock period my Dad looked up some schools for the Gifted that they could send me too. We went around different schools and my parents found a place somewhere in Virginia called Grizzmere. The town name is a bit odd, but it's a great town in general. The school that my parents really liked was Grizzmere Intellectual School. Apparently it had a great education based on intelligent levels and the school accepted almost anyone who had an above average IQ. My Parents enrolled me into GIS after we moved from Somewhere in Nebraska. What was really funny when I got enrolled us that I had to take an IQ test. After calculating my results most of the staff fainted. I had an IQ of 190. Honestly as a six year old all I wanted to do was play video games. I didn't really care for school or my quote studies. Eventually my parents caught on. By the time they finally caught on, I was ten. They honestly felt bad for making me do so much work, so they got me the new game system that came out. The Wii. At first I thought it was pretty cool, but then a week passed and I was bored with it. So I messed around with it. I basically hacked Nintendo at age 10. Yeah... Nintendo was not happy with it. But let me tell you, those old asian men got so mad they looked like cute old grandpas. After they found out they actually used my hacks to make updates to the system which was cool and all but I didn't really get credit for it. After all I was just ten so they just paid my parents for the stuff I updated and to keep them shut saying that it wasn't going to be released that a kid basically outsmarted them on their own system. I honestly didn't care at the time because I just like I said wanted to play video games. I ended up graduating from GIS six years later and I went to college after that. Kinda was awkward being 16 and in college with some twenty year olds. But it didn't really take me long to graduate because well honestly all I did was do my work, turn it in, and then more work. I drove my professors insane because I flew through their lesson plans with ease. I only spent two years at college instead of four so that was nice but I was 18 done with college and still no job. Parents kinda drove me insane so I moved out. I moved into a small apartment in a calmer part of New York. It was kinda nice because I had some cash from Nintendo and some other video game companies that asked me to tweak their systems to spend. After about a year I was halfway through my funds so I realized I should start a job or something. I tried working for some small virtual companies but they never believed I had a college degree at 19 and was a genius. I ended up just creating my own video game company which consisted of just me and my computers. Lizz ended up finding out from my parents and came up to New York to join me. She decided not to go to college and just work in her hometown but she was getting bored of it so she joined me. The two of us made a network breaking game system and video games but we didn't get much recognition. So I started contacting companies and tried selling my programs. Only one bought it which was Xbox but meh. This one small company saw our work and made a deal with us which was basically they'll promote and sell the games and systems and I just had to give them new ones and updates. It been three years since then and it's bloomed into a multimillionaire company and two twenty-two years olds are the partners to it. (lmao) and now it leads full circle to the present. Ducking Lizz and I just lazily working and her saying I need a "hookup" honesty what the heck does she mean by that.


helllooooooo! Okay so this is my what fourth book? Idk I started so many books I forgot which ones are published or not. I thought this was an interesting sappy love story idea but you will find out later on as to why! First chapter is as always boring but it had to be done to get some background knowledge in and I promise next chapter will be more interesting. I hope whoever reads this enjoys and contact me if you have any ideas I should incorporate because well I just started it! Excuse mistakes and whatnots because I wrote this in a frenzy. Till the next chapter!

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