I hate surprises

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I kinda looked at Mr. Jim in disbelief.

"I thought your son was fifteen and was trying to get onto some not so kid friendly websites." I said while looking at the dude.

Mr. Jim laughed and chuckled out, "Yes, my son is now eighteen and now chases girls but this is my older son who is 27 and works in business. I asked him to visit today because I have some news to share."

The older son or younger Jim looked at me and said, "But who is she? Why does she act like she runs this place."

Boss man laughed harder and said," son, it's simple because she technically does. Meet "R" or Regina."

I was still kinda dazed that Boss man had more kids and looked at him quizzically.

Younger Jim looked at me and scoffed, "There is no way this is "R" because the programs and systems made by "R" are top notch and impeccable and she looks like she can't even brew coffee right."

I heard that and gasped. It's not my fault that I've broken every coffee machine I've touched. I can do every electronic except kitchen stuff because I don't work with food safe materials.

I looked at Lizz who had earbuds in and was working on paper work most likely for boss man so he didn't have to do much later.

I walked over to her and pulled out her damn earbuds.

"REGINA, how many times do I tell you not to do that when I'm working." Lizz said giving me her most mom face ever.

I huffed loudly and bit back with, "How many times did I tell you to update my business schedule and giving me a heads up about meeting people. you know I had meeting new people."

Mr Jim seemed to be very amused with the situation and called me over telling me to sit down.

He began speaking, "Regina, you know how much I value you and the opportunities you gave this company. And as you can see I'm an old man who can't keep up with your spirit anymore. By the end of the year I'm going to retire and hand the company over to my son here,"

I was honestly shocked at the same time as I was appalled by the idea.

"No No No you are not retiring and if you are, you are not handing it over to your son." I spoke frantically while walking towards Mr. Jim.

"I agreed to work with you when we started this company and only you. I put my trust that you wouldn't write me off and use me as a publicity stunt for the company. You stuck by me and all my hard work and we've grown to understand each other and how we work as partners. I refuse to just let you hand that over to your son because I never agreed to your son taking over." I huffed staring back at him. I was angry and hurt at the same time. I saw Mr. Jim as a father figure while mine was so far away from here. I poured my heart and soul into this company and Mr.Jim took care of it while I built more to it. He was the business partner that had everything Liz and I lacked and we were great partners. I understood if he wanted to retire but he couldn't just hand it over to someone I don't know or even trust. This company is my life's work and I can't let someone who may not care for it take care of it.

Mr. Jim saw the emotions swarming through my eyes. He took a breathe and looked down. "Regina, I know how much you love this company and how hard you've worked for it. I understand it could be hard to let someone else in on your quote "child" but I am old and my son here is my flesh and blood and I am confident he can do as great of a job as I have."

I couldn't speak because I was overwhelmed by everything. I started to tear up and I needed to breathe.

I ran out of the room and into the bathroom down the hall. My body found its way into toilet stall and ended up hurling my coffee I had this morning back out.

I know he needs to retire and he probably has done enough work for his life but I wish he spoke to me about and not just decide that his son would take over. This company is all I've worked for and is basically my brain child and I just can't trust it to anyone.

I heard someone knock on the door and come in. Heavy footsteps reached me in the stall crouching down to the ground.

I looked up and it's young Mr. Jim.

He crouched down next to me and flushed the toilet and then looked me into the eyes. "Hey, I know I was really rude to you earlier and I'm sorry but I was just nervous and on edge about meeting you because my dad told me you might have reacted this way. I just wanted to meet you and assure you that I'll take good care of the company like my dad did for the last couple years."

I stared at him and replied, "You can be completely nervous and a wreck on the inside but it in no ways would justify your negative behavior to another person. I decline your apology."

He looked a bit taken back by my comment but it's the truth. Being in a certain state of mind never justifies being rude or mean to someone intentional or not.

I stood up and walked to the sink and washed out my mouth and hands. Young Mr. Jim was still crouched down by the floor so I walked out.

I went back to the office room and Mr. Jim was still in his chair and Liz had now put all her sheets away and was sitting at her chair fiddling with her bracelet. Probably typing up some random ideas in her head.

Mr. Jim spoke up after a minute, "Regina, I have a proposition for you."

Now I like Boss man's propositions because I either get something good out of it or I get to prove him wrong.
"Okay shoot Boss man."

Mr. Jim cleared his throat for a second and said, "How about for a month I let my son do my job alongside of you and you get to decide if he can take over my position."

I bit my lip thinking about how wrong that could go before I said, "And what if I deem him not worthy of the position?"

"Then you and I need to find another person to take over. You know I'm old and I'd like to retire before I die." Mr. Jim said his concluding words and then looked down.

I was a little nervous and kinda peeved because he is not as old as he states to be and he is not dying anytime soon. "Hey Boss Man you don't have any weird disease or anything right?"

Mr. Jim gave me a slight smile, "No Regina I do not but I don't want to be working for the next ten years when I could be cruising the Bahamas with my wife."

I had to laugh at that comment but I was still contemplating. A lot happens in a month in our company and a lot could go wrong.

I guess if anything goes wrong it can't be too hard to fix?

"Okay, one month only and if he gets two strikes, he's out." I said holding out my hand for Mr. Jim.

"Yes child, alright two strikes and he's out and only a month. I have to approve of the strikes though." He said giving me that parental stare.

He took my hand and shook it before laughing.

There's not that much that could wrong, right?

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