Chapter- 31 Furious

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Author's POV

At Mehta Mansion.

Krishna was lying on the floor with so much blood. His heart is slowing down, indicating he will die anytime soon. He is losing hope; his complete life flashed in front of his eyes. He knows if he closes his eyes this time, then he is never going to open them again.

At this moment, he only wishes his daughters and granddaughter would be safe. He was about to close his eyes again, but a beep sound from his watch made him open his eyes in alertness. He looked down and found that his watch was showing the signal of one of his daughters. He immediately understood that it was Aadhya who was signaling him. But he is too weak to get up.

"My children need me now. I have to wake up." He mentally repeated this many times and sat up slowly, ignoring his throbbing head, but his situation didn't cooperate with him, and he fell back again before darkness consumed his senses.


"Boys, go and get Anshu first,"  Dhruv ordered his men.

Aadhya gave Rose to Anshu and stood in front of them like a tigress, ready to pounce on them to protect her angels.

One man came to her with an iron rod in his hand. He was about to hit Aadhya, but she was quick to dodge it.
She kicked him on the stomach and took the iron rod from the ground, which he lost when he fell on the ground, and hit him with that.

She started hitting whoever came there. She was looking like a hungry beast, hitting everyone that came in her way.

Another man came in order to stop her, but before he could do anything, she gave him a punch on the jaw and then hit him on the head with an iron rod.

Standing behind Aadhya, Anshu was worried about Aadhya's safety. She was holding Rose carefully, hugging her to her chest. Rose clutched her mom's neck tightly. Tears flowed from her eyes. As a child, she didn't understand what was happening, but she was scared of whatever happened and was happening.

"Aadhya, be careful,"  Anshu warned when she found another man running towards her furiously while she was taking down the other man.

The man hit Aadhya on her knee with an iron rod when she was unprepared. Aadhya fell to the ground, and the man kicked her in the stomach.

"Aadhya!" Anshu screamed and ran to her. She placed Rose down and took Aadhya into her embrace.

Before Aadhya could get up, five men came to them and started beating her. Her clothes tore here and there, blood oozing from her lips, and she got many scratches and wounds on her body.

As Aadhya was in Anshu's embrace, she took the beatings for Aadhya, protecting her. Aadhya was continuously pushing Anshu away, but Anshu held her tightly.

"Beat the both of them and make them regret what they have done,"  Dhruv shouted from a distance.

They started beating both of them with a leather belt and whip. They both covered Rose with their bodies, preventing her from getting hurt. One man dragged Anshu and tried to hit Aadhya with a whip, but as Rose was in the middle, it hit her instead of Aadhya.

"Ahhh, Mamma,"  Rose cried loudly.

"Rose,"  Aadhya and Anshu called in unison and hurried to her.

Anshu hugged Rose to her chest while Aadhya rubbed her back to soothe her pain. Rose is not stopping crying as she is only 4 years old; her skin is very sensitive. The hit from the whip made her breathless with so much pain.

Looking at her cries, Anshu was unable to control her tears. Aadhya's eyes snapped towards the man who hit Rose, and he shivered at the look on her face.

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