Baekhyun imagine

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You sat at a dance restaurant waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. Its been 2 hours and the restaurant was closing forcing you to walk home on a freezing cold night. As you were walking home, you spotted a couple dancing and singing loudly. You rolled your eyes and kept walking until you heard a familiar voice.


You turned to look closely at the couple and saw your boyfriend holding a girl's waist and leaning in to kiss her. You covered your mouth and started crying and ran home. You ran up to the room that you shared with baekhyun, got out the biggest suitcase you could find and packed up all your clothes and personal items. As you finished packing, you looked around the house and saw all the pictures of you and baekhyun. You decided to take the pictures and replace them all with pictures of just baekhyun. So now it looks like you were never there.


Baekhyun stumbled through the door and screamed your name. When there was no response, he thought you were sleeping so he went to the room and saw something under the blanket and thought that was you but it was actually just pillows that you put there to make it seem like you were sleeping there. Baekhyun collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. The next morning, baekhyun woke up with a horrible headache and sat up on the bed. He turned to your side of the bed and realized that you weren't there, so he went to the kitchen and called your name. When there was no reply, he started checking all the rooms in the house, but you were nowhere to be found. He started calling your phone but it went to voicemall every time he called. He ran back into the bed room and found a letter addressed to him on the table next to the bed.

Dear Baekhyun,

I love you, did you know that? But i dont think you love me back. Do you know what day it was yesterday? I don't think you remember, but it was our 3 year anniversary. I sat in the restaurant for 2 hours waiting for you to arrive, but you never did. I thought that you got in an accident, but i was wrong. I knew what you were doing while i was waiting for you. I hope you treat her like a princess and not make her wait on special occasions like i did. Goodbye baekhyun. I hope you have a happy life.

love, y/n

Baekhyun broke down after reading the letter and regretted his actions yesterday. He was at a company party and they went to a bar. Baekhyun had a little to much to drink and mistakened a random girl as you. He rushed to his phone and called your best friend.

"hey y/b/f/n, do you know where y/n is?"

"*scoff* you have some real guts to call me asking about y/n"

"please, im begging you, please tell me where she is."

"Fine, shes at the airport. Shes going to europe to start a new life."

"Thanks y/b/f/n"

Baekhyun ran to his car and drove to the airport. He ran to the terminal that was boarding the flight to europe but when he got there, he was too late because the terminal was empty. He fell on his knees and sobbed into his hands. He regretted that he didnt treat you better, now he lost you forever.

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