the mysterious girl

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    After I awoken from my dream I had this strange felling who was that girl and why did she so desperately want to be my friend I was so confused. I just drew some manga and went to school and just like that everyone treated me like a outcast again, I had the strangest felling I was being watch, I went to breakfast; people didn't care to look at me and I knew everything was back to normal.  But something still bothered me who was that girl, for some odd reason I felt sorry for her and why was she in my dream, I used one of the school computers to search up "who is a little girl in your dreams represent" and the search results is it represents a demon.

    As I read that my heart sank a demon; I wanted to know more and what better way to do that then the library, so I when to the library and founds some books on demons as I opened up a book, the first thing I saw when I opened up the book and all it said was  don't befriend them, thanks to that all I could think about is well I'm done for I quickly closed the book and went home I didn't want to talk to my father or mother beacuse I was still mad.

       So I went to my room and drew manga and with out even knowing it I drew the girl from my dream and I fell to sleep....


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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