「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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osaka, japan

when the jet arrives in the country of japan, the sky still dark and dull.
it lands atop a large, towering, private hotel, with the initials 'c.b' painted on, the others following in suit.

christopher's group is the first to exit their jet.
then, sana and her group of colleagues exit theirs.
followed by them, a group of five females exit their own jet whispering amongst eachother.
one by one, more groups begin to exit their respective jets; a group of seven females, then a group of seven males, and lastly, a group of five relatively tall males.

having been through a similar scenario before, waiting for chris' group to leave first, each group after goes one by one down the elevator leading to the lobby.

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everyone was crowded in the lobby, conversing with one another, until christopher was ready to give them added information or instructions -they were all confident he would have nothing to add since they had been in this situation at least two times just last month-.

christopher and his group emerge from a door behind the reception desk, and walk into the center of the lobby, where the others were sitting.
they all begin to quiet down as it seems chris has something to say.

as you all are aware of, we're here to 'remind ' our japanese division why no one disobeys us.
he announced to the entire group.
we leave first thing tomorrow morning.
he added, concluding his announcement.

everyone then dispersed from the lobby, and either use the elevator or the stairs to head towards their hotel rooms, anxiously waiting for morning to come.

as they all lay restless, tossing and turning, filled with utter eagerness, morning comes in a blink of an eye.

they all begin getting ready for the day ahead.
taking showers, brushing their teeth, changing their outfits -wearing clothes that were previously left in their respective rooms-, and gathering their weapons.

once finishing their routine, they head down to the first floor, and gather in the restaurant to enjoy a small meal previously prepared by the help.

finished up their meals, they head out the main door, waiting in the huge parking lot that accompanied cars for each groups, and wait for chris to give them additional information about the events ahead.

once chris and his obnoxiously loud group, who were arguing about who knows what, exit the hotel, everyone turns their attention to them.
chris quiets them down, then turns his attention to the others.

chris starts, everyone listening intently, waiting for him to give them further instructions.
we'll be heading straight to tokyo with only one objective in mind, that means no pitstops this time.
he continued, every paying very close attention to his words.
we go to tokyo, we kill a few traitors to send a message, then we comeback.
no distractions, no pitstops.
he concluded and everyone made a sound of agreement in unison, then headed off to their respective groups' cars.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now