Jisoo protects Lisa from paparazzi

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"How are you feeling? Excited for our trip?" Jisoo asked as she took ahold of Lisa's hand as they got out of the car.

"So excited!" Lisa grinned and Jisoo felt her heart skip a beat at the sight.

She's feeling just as excited as Lisa is right now because, finally, they have some time off together.

So they're going on vacation to a romantic destination for the next few days and they're beyond excited about it.

But their excitement dwindled slightly when they entered the airport and saw paparazzi and fans waiting for them.

They took a moment to politely pay attention to the fans that were there, big smiles on their faces as they did so.

"Alright, come on," Jisoo said as she squeezed Lisa's hand and began to walk with her.

But with every step they took, the more the paparazzi swarmed them and they began to feel overwhelmed quite quickly.

They kept their heads down to try and block out the flashing lights, only for the paparazzi to get aggravated.

And one of them took it out on Lisa.

Lisa lifted her head as one guy called out her name and as soon as she did, he pushed the camera directly in her face.

He stepped close to her, much too close for either of their liking.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Jisoo shouted as she protectively put her arm around Lisa and pulled her close. "All of you, just leave her alone!"

Jisoo didn't really care what the paparazzi did to her but to her girlfriend?

That made her angry.

That she was not okay with.

"Darling, are you okay?" Jisoo asked Lisa, only for Lisa to shrug her shoulders.

She should be used to things like that but it was too much at times.

She's only human.

"Get back! Leave her alone!" Jisoo called out as the paparazzi got closer to Lisa.

Lisa looked a little freaked out and understandably so.

Despite how long she's been an idol and despite how much she's been followed around before, she still gets anxious when people get too close.

"Haven't you all heard of personal space? Can't you all just back off? If you have to take photos, take them from a distance! Don't shine your cameras in her face, it's just rude!" Jisoo shouted.

She pulled Lisa closer as they made their way to the check-in, inching closer and closer.

Jisoo tried to comfort Lisa and get her mind off of everything going on around her and, finally, they both let out sighs of relief.

Because they had made it to the check-in point and they were finally in the clear.

After a moment, they finally walked down the hall and boarded the plane as the paparazzi and fans disappeared from their sights and surroundings.

They took their seats and Lisa placed her head on Jisoo's shoulder, snuggling up to her the best she could in her seat.

"Thank you." She said as Jisoo's lips lovingly brushed against her forehead. "You're the best girlfriend ever. I'm so lucky to have you. Thanks for keeping me safe."

"I'll always keep you safe. I promise." Jisoo smiled as she tucked a lock of Lisa's hair behind your ear. "I love you and I'd do anything for you."

"I love you too." Lisa smiled as she held onto Jisoo, so grateful for her amazing girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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