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Welcome to the first chapter of my new fic! Well, not exactly new, this is going to be the rewritten version of my first-ever fanfiction - it is no longer available, so don't even bother looking for it. But I hope you will enjoy this first chapter!

*Edited June 21th 2023* I MADE A PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MvR8uZfOBmRQs4IyWGYfO - I hope it works

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The local McDonald's was a lurky place. It was the kind of place where the local gang hung out, standing at the corner of the building, with their dark leather jackets, black framed sunglasses, and a cigarette in their hands.

They were the main reason people didn't visit the diner. It wasn't because the food was bad—it was, but it was not the reason people didn't show up. Louis was mostly like those people who would shy away, eating somewhere else.

But today had been a shit day. The weather was hot, burning hot. Very unlike the usual summer weather in England. And Louis, lucky as he was, had been standing inside all day at the local record store, helping clients as he did now and then when Anthony needed a hand.

Anthony was an older gentleman with lots of interesting stories, but other than having that, he also owned the record store. Louis had known him since he was a kid and he had helped out in the shop when needed since the age of seventeen. Four whole years had he been there and not once had the store had air conditioning. Something would have been lovely to have on a day like today.

For seven long hours, Louis had been standing inside the shop, only getting out for an occasional smoke break. But being outside didn't make much of a difference, the sun still burning bright, making a sweat break out all over his body.

So when Louis finally did end his shift, he thought, Fuck it, and took his jeep and drove to McDonald's.

He arrived not long after, sticky with sweat, his fringe clinging awfully to his forehead. As he stepped out of the jeep he noticed the usual gang on the corner. He wasn't afraid of them per se, he had slept with at least half of them, even though they would never admit it—neither would Louis. He wasn't an idiot. But as a group, they were still intimidating, no matter who they had bedded, and just walking beside them, could feel like a near-death experience.

Or maybe Louis was just overdramatic. According to his best friend Niall he was, even though the Irish boy himself would be close to shitting his pants walking past the gang.

Louis let out a breath as he neared the building. He missed Niall, but the blonde lad was on his yearly visit to Ireland, and wouldn't return home before the beginning of August, meaning Louis was doomed to spend four whole weeks in the company of no one else but his siblings and mother. And not even them, due to Louis' mother having decided to go on a spontaneous camping trip, just her and the girls. They wouldn't return for another week, leaving Louis completely alone in the house.

That was also the reason he had decided to help Anthony out that day. He didn't do it a lot anymore. He had mostly helped out when he had to save up money for moving to New York by the end of the summer, to be able to start law school, but he had long ago saved up that money. Now he only helped in the shop when he was bored. It wasn't even really a job anymore, he just showed up when he wanted to. He had told Anthony that he didn't need to pay Louis for it anymore, to which Anthony had refused. "You are gonna get paid," he had said. "That's just how it is." Louis could easily live with that.

He was bored out of his mind being home all alone. It had only been two days since his mother and siblings left for their trip and four days since Niall left for Ireland, but it was enough time to drive Louis crazy.

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