Chapter 3

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Eleyna P.O.V

14 years later

I can't believe its been fourteen years already! I'm sitting in the living room love-seat of my two-story home. Every few minutes I would see teenagers come through the front room to the kitchen where the present table was setup. I can still remember thirteen years back, when I gave Meliza her first present.


I was feeding Meliza three days after the disappearance of the Hensons. I had taken her to the doctor to get an evaluation, and she had a clean bill of health. He was even able to tell me when she was born. Two hours later I was sitting in my little ward thinking about Meliza and I realized she didn't have a very good welcome into the world. I pushed a buzzer which indicated for Chuck to come to my room.

"You called Eleyna?" He asked.

"Yeah I was wondering if you could look after the baby and do your duties by surveillance camera." I answered.

His face looked thoughtful for a few seconds before he answered with a slight nod. I silently thanked him on the way out the door. I grabbed my keys and went out to my car. I looked at my surroundings and took in the slightly wooded area with enough space to have a concrete driveway that leads from the institute to the main road leading to the town. As I scanned the area, I noticed a lot of movement from the more secluded side of the premises. I blamed it on the heavy winds and thought nothing more of it. I got into my car and drove to town.

The town doesn't look different from any other town. Its small, with a few markets and stores here and there, but there's nothing big except for the mental home. I drove to the Wal-Mart and quickly parked. I took note that there weren't many people out and about. That is probably because of the police report they did with the newspapers that talked about the escape of the Hensons. I was careful when I was out but I wouldn't barricade myself in my inside. Especially if I had to do the shopping. I went straight to the baby aisle and tried to figure out what I was looking for. While looking around, I noticed movement around the corner which shouldn't be unusual for a grocery store, but this time I was curious so I decided to check it out. I took a quick peek around the corner but there wasn't a person in sight. Instead there was a little bear that looked like it had fallen off the shelf. But when I turned it around, I froze. The eyes to the bear were scratched up and falling out and the head of it seemed battered. There was a white cloth wrapped around the head almost as if it had a head injury...

I shakily took a picture of the bear just in case it meant something. I felt very nervous suddenly. My eyes darted side to side and I remembered why I was here so I quickly grabbed a pink, fluffy blanket that said 'it's a girl' on it, walked to the front, left money for the blanket and exited towards my car. I approached my car and scanned the area for anything unusual. After doing the same with the interior of the car, I cautiously got in my car and sped off towards the asylum.

I pulled up just as a patrol car was pulling away. I wondered if it was just another complaint from one of the residents. I put my car in park, got out, locked it, and walked to the door. After unbolting the main door, I walked to my room where Chuck was cradling Meliza and watching the computer monitor intensely.

"Hey Chuck," I called trying to get his attention.

His head snapped towards me and he waved me over. I sat in the recliner across from him and gestured for him to hand over Meliza. I adjusted her small body and smiled down at her.

"Hi there Mel, I've got a present for you," I cooed. Meliza just giggled as she watched me wrap the blanket around her tiny frame. I stared at her precious features as they relaxed and she dozed off into a deep slumber. I laid her in her cradle and went to sit down in the recliner. Right when I relaxed into the chair, Chuck started explaining to me the reason of the police visit. And it wasn't what I thought it was.

"Eleyna, the police said they found something," he began.

"Well, what was it?'" I pushed.

"They found two bodies near the river, but they weren't exactly bodies."

"What do you mean?"

"They were burnt right down to the bone and maybe a little deeper."

"Do you think they could be-"

"They're not in a state that could be identifiable, but if they could make a good guess they said we have found our missing people."

I began to feel numb throughout my entire body. "Can they tell how long they've been there?"

"The officers said they were still steaming, but it seems they were set on fire and it burned them to their current state."

I couldn't help but feel a little relief. A thought occured to me making me realize that I'm Meliza's only mother. This also meant I should raise her in a better environment, so, with the help of Chuck I was able to find another job with his brother as a secretary. The job payed very well and I had already saved up a lump sum amount of cash. After a little searching, I found a beautiful home in the middle of Abilene, Tx, and I knew that this is where I would raise my little girl.

I was jerked from my thoughts when I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Mom can I open my presents now?" asked my teenage daughter.

I smiled at her and said,"Of course baby girl, let's go."

We walked to the kitchen and gathered all the guests together and sung happy birthday to the extroardinary birthday girl. She opened her presents and, like I taught her, she was thankful and glad to get every one of them.

Around three hours later, we had barely finished cleaning up and Meliza was taking a shower getting ready for bed. I felt exhausted from the party, and the couch felt like heaven for my achy muscles. Before I could fall into the land of dreams, there was a small knock on the door. I internally groaned as I rose to my feet and padded to the door. I opened it a crack to see Chuck's plump, smiling face. I quickly undid all the locks on the door and flung it open. Chuck was the closest person I have to family since my real family lives in Colorado.

I pulled Chuck into a hug nearly making him drop the bundle he held under his arm.

"Haha," he chuckled, "I missed you too."

"Hey Mom who's at the-" Meliza's eyes widened and her mouth turned up into a wide grin.

"Uncle Chuck!" She exclaimed running towards Chuck at full speed.

He chuckled again and pulled the bundle from behind his back.

"I know how much you wanted it from how much you said you wanted it and I felt like I had no choice so I got it for you." Meliza's eyes shined brighter and brighter with each word he said. She ripped the bundle from his grasp and shredded the wrapping paper till she got to the contents. Well, so much for saving the wrapping paper. Meliza was at a loss for words, her mouth hung agape, and she was silent for a second before she let out an ear deafening scream. Chuck and I laughed at her reaction to the zebra-striped, designer over-the-shoulder purse. She screamed thank you so many times I'm sure it was over thirty.

We talked and spent time a good hour together for before Chuck had to head home.

"Bye Chuck, see you later!" I called after him. I clicked the door shut and I didn't take five steps before there was another knock on the door. I smiled to myself and shook my head, wonder what Chuck forgot this time. I opened the door but Chuck wasn't there. Right there on my front porch was a stuffed bear. A stuffed bear with scratched out eyes and a battered head wrapped with white cloth. But there was a note. In scraggly handwriting it said:

Happy Birthday Mel,

Love Mommy

My mind started spinning. I looked around, grabbed the bear and went inside. I bolted all the locks and slid down the door. Well, I guess it's not over.

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