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"Where are we gonna find them" [reader] asked her partner whose accompanying her on this little stroll around Liyue harbor.
'hm.. no response' She thought,
It continued for another 6 minutes when [reader] decided to break the silence again. "let's go get something to eat." She said suddenly turning into a restaurant seemingly called "Wanmin Resturant" For all the girl know that its quite popular on the locals and the travellers that come here.
"what? Are you forgetting that we are not trying to catch the attention of locals." The Ballader sharply said at the Lady who is next to him
"Just trust me would you?" She spat back annoyed
"I'm gonna break your break if you talk back at me like this one more time." The Ballader threatened the Lady
"Ofcourse m'lord, But just trust me." She pleaded at him which the Ballader just rolled his eyes and went inside,
There can be seen a Blueberry haired girl whose running around the restaurant when she stopped and assisted us to our respective seats. "Hello!, You two doesn't look like you're from around here, would you like to see our recommended dish for travellers?" The blueberry haired girl Burst out of energy as she greeted us with the biggest grin..ever. She seems to be enjoying this.

"Yes we'll take that." I answered since The Ballader doesn't seem to care.
"alright!" She said running to the kitchen with a a little bear like creature following her, Not everyday you see someone with that kind of pet in Liyue Harbor.
"[reader] you are slowly draining my patience. What the hell are we doing here for?!" The Ballader yelled as a heavy hand landed hard on the table catching almost every attention on the resturant but sooner or later paid no mind.
"Calm down m'lord." I said as I remained calm not even looking at him as I said so.
Perfect timing the Blueberry haired girl then went to our table placing down dishes that smelled amazing I wont lie.
"Wait." [reader] quietly said, The coldness and how quiet she said that will make common folks Tremble in fear, I guess it's one of her perks. The cook then turned around with questionable look on her face, "yes?" she answered
[reader[ then got up as I continuously stared at her as the ornaments on my hat jingled at the silent blow of the wind.

"Where is the Traveller." [reader] bluntly asked..
'getting straight to the point I see.' I chuckled silently as I tilt my head downward hiding my face with my Hat, From the corner of my eye There I see a Spear and a Sword. I'm guessing one of those belongs to this lady.
"...what business what may you have with the Traveller.?" I can tell she choose her words wisely.
"Its a classified inform-"
"We're wanting too put a commotion up for him to help us.That's all" I quickly cutted off [reader] She's suspicious enough we don't want her to suspect us anymore.

"A Commotion? If you're putting up a Commition go to the Adventurers Guild, Katheyrene might be able to help you." She eyed me.
"This is urgent." I said as I'm slowly loosing patience and got up.
"I can't tell you where she is since I don't know any of you." She said clearly suspicious of us.
"What May seem the problem here Xiangling?" Another Blueberry haired boy came
'this is Xiangling huh.. Could it be that [reader] knew this information that's why she decided to drag me here.' I looked at the Girl standing beside me as I 'tch' sound escaped from my lips.

"Forget it. We'll go look for him ourselves." I spat at them then started my way out of the resturant.
'did he just gave up like that? are you serious.' I rolled my eyes As I sent death threats to the two standing before me as I followed his footsteps.
"What's the matter with those two." I stared at the door.
"I don't know.. but they gave me the chills! Oh, and they're looking for Traveler!" Xiangling's panic stared at me. "Someone is Looking for Traveller?" A slim body figure holding a Claymore walked inside the Restaurant with his usual popsicle and Icey hair,
"Oh greetings Chongyun, and yes.. Two peculiar people came into this resturant looking for travelle-" I was caught of by Xiangling screaming "THEY DIDNT EVEN ATE THE FOOD! AWW, I worked so hard from it...." A small pout formed on Xianglings face as she sadly grabbed the dishes and put them inside, Leaving me alone with Chongyun.

"two people you say?" the icey-haired boy asked
"Yes Indeed, My liege. A boy with a hat and dressed like he is from Inazuma, And a Woman dressed from A nation I'm not quite familiar with but for all I know, It's a nation full of snow. Sheznhaya."
"..I think I saw those two earlier on my way here, I paid no mind to them though since I didn't know the situation. Why would they look for Traveller. Could they have a twisted motive?"
"it could be so.." I sighed "Traveller should be more careful.." I said as I turned away and sat down and opened my book once again as Chongyun strolled around the Restaurant.
"M'lord, Why did we leave So early? We barely got any information through that blueberry girl."
I questioned "That's enough for today, We got our information and now we know that That girl is indeed a friend of Our target. And I'm betting that Chongyun is there as well." The Ballader answered as a Thick Silent went between us as we stroll at night his hat's ornament jiggling through the street, usually meaning that as a warning Like his Here.. and

Something big is gonna happened.

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