Chapter 14

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Well... Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath in before entering the diner with Sho right behind me. If I was meeting my dad, Sho has to be with me.

It's really cold tonight as it is about 10pm. My dad insisted on meeting late. The neighborhood was sketchy at best and the diner was run down.

I scanned the tables and booths before finding a man sitting alone, matching the description of my dad. I became increasingly nervous as I approached him, but having Sho with me helped ease my nerves.

Once the man noticed me approachkng him, he looked up from the newspaper in his hands. "Y/n?" He asked me. I nodded but said nothing as I started twiddling my fingers. "Who's this with you?" He asked looking at Sho.

"My name is Shoto Todoroki." Sho answered him. "I didn't know y/n would be bringing a friend, but it doesn't bother me. Take a seat you two." He said gesturing to the seats across the table from him.

Sho and I sat down but didn't know what to say. "I'll start this out with saying I'm not your dad. He sent me to get you." The man said. "Then where is he?" I asked not liking the situation even more. "He's in the dinner's kitchen. Go on, have a look."

Sho and I slowly got up and cautiously entered the kitchen. We were shocked when a faceless man came out from around a corner. "Hello y/n." He said in a slick voice.

"H-hello?" I said still nervous. I suppose Sho noticed and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Who is this?"

With my nerves calmed a bit I introduce Sho this time. "This is Shoto Todoroki." I didn't want to mention he's my boyfriend because I didn't want to get a bad reaction out of this man who could potentially be my father.

"Todoroki, could y/n and I have a moment alone?" The faceless man asked. I looked at Sho with a gleem of worry in my eyes. I don't want to be left alone with this strange man. "I think I'm good. Whatever you want to tell him, you can tell me." Sho said plainly but I could tell he was being productive.

"It's really nothing important, I'm sure you'd understand a father wanting to catch up with his son." He said, his voice dropping a bit. "If it's not important, then I can be here." Sho said taking a step in front of me.

"I assure you there's no need to be so protective. I just want to offer a deal with y/n." He said gesturing to me.

Sho didn't move, his gaze piercing the man in front of us. "That's too bad. Get them." The man said before we were surrounded. Sho was immediately attacked and before I could help him I began coughing up purple fog.

I was soon engulfed in the smoky fog. Before I knew what had happened my sight came back and I was suddenly in a new place. I was naked, changed to the wall of a very dark room.

I groaned as looking around the room seemed to hurt my head. "Your awake now. Good." I heard a raspy voice come from somewhere in the room.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding just as raspy. My throat was dry and my mouth tasted terrible.

"That doesn't matter. He'll be here any minute to get you, and once I have my money I'll be rid of you." The man said.

Why was this happening to me of all people? I should have stayed at UA. Where's Sho? Is he here too? Why am I naked? These people obviously have haven't watched the sports festival or heard about me.

What can I do? I don't think screaming for help is an option. The floors and walls are concrete. Damnit why'd I let myself get kidnapped like this.

"While you were passed out I used that throat of yours, hope that doesn't bother you." He seemed to be proud of himself for that, disgusting. Why does this happen to me.

Wait. If he used my throat that means I have his DNA. I quickly activated my quirk and entered the man's mind. It wasn't a pretty place. A rundown home, trash everywhere, and a scared little boy in the corner.

Having seen many villains minds like this, I already knew what to do. I approached the little boy who didn't seem to like my presence. "Hi." I said softly as I sat in front of him, grabbing a near by blanket to cover up in.

"Go away!" He yelled back. I just sat in silence and looked around. Finding some string to twist in my fingers to distract myself as I waited. After what seemed like forever the boy ashes "What do you want?" He asked a bit calmer then the last time.

"To be friends." This boy seemed lonely, this looks like the best option to go with. "I don't want friends!" He said now yelling again.

"That's okay. I'm not gonna force you to." I said trying to gain his trust. I waited longer, hoping I was doing the right thing. "Do you wanna play?" He asked almost whispering. "I'd love too, but I can't."

This seemed to sudden him a bit. "You see I can't move very well. I'm stuck. If you could help me I can take you to a place full of people to be friends with just like you." I hated having to manipulate him like this, it never feels right, even if he's a villain.

"How can I do that?" He asked tilting his head. First, you need to wake up." I said forcing his body to wake up. "Then you'd need to unchain me." I continued as his body carried out my commands. With such a weak mental state it was easy for me to control the mind of this person.

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Todoroki x Abused male readerWhere stories live. Discover now