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It was time for Y/N Wenesday Adams Swan and Bella Swan to move back to good old Forks. Bella and y/n are introverts. Y/n doesn't talk to people unless they talk to her first. Bella is kinda the same but in most situations she would talk first. Right now Bella and y/n are on a plane. Y/n was reading a book that Sarah Black gave her before she died. The Quileute legends. Although Y/n has read it over a thousand times she enjoyed reading it. About a couple hours later Y/n and Bella arrive at Forks Washington. Y/n and Bella both grab their suitcases and head to the Loby. Y/n has only one suitcase because she tends to keep her clothes coordinated as she has only a few pairs that are sometimes double or tripple of the same thing. As right now she is wearing her casual outfit.

Y/n and bella both walk out the loby and see their dad Charlie waiting by his patrol cheif cop car

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Y/n and bella both walk out the loby and see their dad Charlie waiting by his patrol cheif cop car. Charlie went to go hug his daughters but Y/n took a step back before he could hug her. She does that to everyone except Jacob because he and her have been stuck together since childhood, some would say inseperable. They were best of friends although y/n had kept to herself while Jacob would pour out his heart to her. Charlie just looked at her then said, "Yep. still not a hugger." and with that he went to go hug Bella who awkwardly hugged Charlie. Y/n went to go pack her small suitcase into the back but Charlie went and grabbed it from her and then he went to take Bella's as well.


I went into the back seat as I knew Bella and Charlie were the awkward convo type. Charlie then spoke to the both of us after trying to have a conversation with Bella,"You two have school tomorrow. And after that we will go meet at the old diner that we used to eat at." and with that I nodded my head. I desided that I won't need to talk so I won't talk till I wanna. We then drive into our new homes driveway and parked the cruser. Once the car came to a complete stop I went straight to my old bedroom. 'still as I remember it being. Good thing charlie didn't open the closet. I left my dynamite in there.' I thought as I went to my closet and put all my clothes in and I check under my bed to make sure my emergency shuite was locked and ready to use. It was and I stood up and looked around.

Thats when I heard Charlie call out for us girls

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Thats when I heard Charlie call out for us girls. Bella walked to my door and look at me confused. I just stare at her with my usual glare. She understood my glares so she just nodded her head and said, "Alright lets just go then." With that I followed behind her. We walked down the stairs to see charlie outside and two other people with an orange poorly painted truck. We walk out the house and Charlie see's us and says, "Bella, Y/n you remember Billy Black." When he said billy's name I nodded saying, "Uncle Billy, always a pleasure to see you again." Then from the other side of the truck I heard, "Y/n!" I smiled knowing it was Jacob.

Jacob and I gave each other a big hug

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Jacob and I gave each other a big hug. He then asked, "Lets hang tomorrow after school. Meet at the Rez. you can meet Quill and Embry. Just don't smile like that you'll scare them away." He then laughed and I went back to my usual glare after letting out a small chuckle. Then Billy said, "I'm glad you guys are finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." Charlie then glared at billy and said, "All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you in the mud." Billy then replied with, "After I ram you in the ankles," after that they started to play while in the street.
I then heard Jacob trying to start a conversation with Bella,"Hi. I'm Jacob." Bella just replied with,"hey." Jacob then said,"we used to make mud pies when we were little. Well except y/n. She used to blow up stuff," he then chuckled a little looking at me. I just nod and pull out a thumbs up making him laugh more. "Right no. I remember." I then just pulled out my book and started reading it until Charlie came over patting the truck with the bad paint job.
Charlie looked at us and I put my book away as he says, "So, what do you think?" Bella then looked at me then back to Charlie saying, "Of what?" to which Charlie replyed with, "Your homecoming present." Bella then looked at me with excited eyes as I just stood there with my usual glare. Jacob then said, "Yup rebuilt this baby myself." I'm not a car person. I believe in healthy activities such as a bike. Thats when Charlie said, " I know you don't care for cars so instead I've got you a bike that you can ride to. and only to. short distances. I want you to ride with bella to school." I just nodded my head. I plan on using it to go to the Rez tomorrow. Yeah Charlie said short distances but La Push is also my home as well. I spent most of my childhood with Jacob,Billy, and Sarah before she passed. When Sarah died that was the last time I cried. Told myself, 'I'll never cry again because it doesn't make anything better."
I then turn and head back into the house. I get my Outfit ready tomorrow, which is what I'll always wear to school. Charlie came up a few hours later and knocked on my door which I opened. "Hey kid. Um. Your mom said you didn't have a phone so um here. I got you this phone so I could call you when I need to. I also added Jake's number in there." I nodded my head to him while taking the phone and charger from Charlie. I then close the door after he leaves. I place the charger in the outlet and plug the phone in. I then just lay on my bed.

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