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the men got all of the suitcases on the plane and we took off. there were two areas. one part had a table and four seats surrounding it. that's where my parents and pepe were. ronaldo decided he'd had enough and inside of a room with a bed. i didn't know private jets had rooms.

that left me and joão. we sat next to each other on the couch. we chatted for a while before we fell asleep. i woke up and my head was on his shoulder. he was still sleeping so thankfully he didn't realize. i got up, making sure not to disturb him, grabbed a bottle of water and went to the bathroom. when i got back he was awake.

"hey" i smiled. "i woke up but you were still asleep."

"i was wondering where you went."

i sat back down and we decided to watch a movie on his phone. i almost fell asleep again but we were landing right as i was dozing off.


pepe had arranged cars for us before we even landed so they were already there waiting for us. we loaded them up and drove with the same people to my grandma's house.

it was pretty big, pepe helped her buy it. she had enough rooms in the house for me, her, my parents, and a guest.

stepping inside, it kinda felt good to be back. i did miss this place even though i didn't want to move here. my grandma was spending the night in the hospital tonight because she just got prescribed new medications and they wanted to keep an eye on her so tonight it was just me and my parents.

"do you want me to help you unpack?" joão said, coming to stand right next to me.

"that would be great, thank you!"

we headed to the room that would be mine. it was already filled with furniture i just had to add my belongings.


after a few hours of joão helping me unpack, i started to get hungry. my stomach growled so loud it almost sounded like a lion. i hadn't eaten since before i left for my new home.

"you sound hungry." he teased. "do you want to go somewhere to eat?"

oh my god. he read my mind. yes, yes, yes i would love that i thought, but i didn't say it. instead i said, "you've already done enough to help me out today. you can go home if you want, i don't want to keep you."

"no, i want to. if i went home, i'd probably just heat up some leftovers or something so going out sounds so much better."

"okay okay. if you insist." i went into the bathroom to change into something a little more dinner appropriate. i just put on a skirt, a black top, and my converse. cute and simple but would also keep me from sweating in the hot, august heat.

joão picked a restaurant and drove since i didn't know any and had barely remembered how to get to my grandma's from the airport.

he took me to a random steakhouse that i had never heard of before. the food was absolutely delicious. as soon as i took a bite of my steak, it felt as if i was being sent to heaven.

after we finished eating, i began to pull out my wallet to pay.

"don't worry about it. i've got it." he smiled.

"i owe you then."


we pulled into the driveway of my house. he got out first and opened my door for me. i thanked him and he walked me to the door.

"do you want to come in for a bit?"

"no, i wish i could. i have practice pretty early tomorrow."

"oh, that sucks. but thank you for everything today. this was the best first day in portugal i could ask for." i hugged him softly as a thank you. then i turned to walk inside but i felt a cold hand on my wrist pulling me back.

"bea, wait. i never got your number." he smirked as i put my contact into his phone. "goodnight."

"goodnight." i smiled back. this time when i turned to walk away, i was able to make it inside. as soon as i shut the door, i ran to my room and looked out the window. i saw him walking back to his car and driving away. he was smiling.

i got ready for bed after i showered and cuddled up into my new sheets. maybe living here wouldn't be so bad, i thought.


the next morning i woke up to a knock on my door. my mother opened it and walked in.

"good morning bea. we just brought your grandma home, come say hi please." she left the room right after.

i groaned and got up. i hate being up this early in the morning. i put up with it though.

my grandma was sitting on the couch when i walked out. as soon as i saw her, she smiled.

"hello beatriz! i've missed you so much! how are you? come sit! tell me everything!" she said as i hugged her.

"hi grandma," i smiled, "i missed you too!" she looked much worse than when i'd seen her a year ago. she was still beautiful, but she did look much sicker. i excused myself to go back to my room, i'm not much of a morning person. i'll spend time with her later.

i layed back down on the bed and pulled out my phone. oh my god. 8:47 am. i'm going back to sleep.


i woke up again from a notification on my phone. it wouldn't stop buzzing, an unknown number was trying to call me.

"hello?" i groaned as i answered.

"good morning."

"who is this.?" i'm not in the mood for this right now. i just want to sleep.

"you don't remember me?" the voice in the phone teased.


"yep." i could hear the smirk through the phone. "i'm hurt, you almost forgot about me."

"i would never." i teased back.

"you don't sound too excited to be talking to me. did i wake you?"

"yeah you did." i said sarcastically.

"we can talk later if you want."

"no, no it's okay. i need to wake up anyways." and what better way than to be talking to him. "how was practice?"

"it was good. i was actually wondering if you wanted to do something today?"

"yeah sure what time?"

"maybe like 5?" he said.

"what will we be doing?"

"its a surprise." and with that he hung up.

i saved his number into my contacts and texted him.

"seriously i have to know
what were doing. i dont
know what to wear."

"just wear something cute.
be ready by 5. i'm picking
you up then."

that doesnt help me at all. and, i don't know why i'm getting nervous.

it was only 11am so i had a few hours until i had to be ready. until then i decided to hang out with my grandma and catch up with her.


what do you think they are gonna do? is he falling for her already? it's only been one day...

him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now