Pacing the Winter

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"Stop pacing already."

"I can't help it," Sirius said, continuing to pace at the window, looking out just in case his guest would arrive in that manner. "I've not seen him since...." He paused, remembering how torn he was upon hearing Dumbledore tell him they'd moved Regulus and his girlfriend into hiding for their own safety, so the last time he'd seen Regulus was at the Muggle clinic of Regulus' Muggle girlfriend, something that Sirius found himself still in disbelief of. "Well, the war is over."

"Yes. Dumbledore. He said something about your brother being involved?"

"I honestly don't know," Sirius said. "I just know he's free to move about, although with Bellatrix still at large, he's still in danger. Hold on..." He leaned forward. "Is that Fabian and Gideon with them?"

Remus came to the window, book in hand. "Why, I do believe it is. They must have been the ones keeping them...." And then came a pause, Remus' eyes opening and closing for some reason as Sirius hurried away from the window. "Um, Sirius?"


"There's a fifth person."


"Well, I don't bloody know," Remus said. "I mean, you didn't mention anything about them."

"It must be Mrs. Granger," Sirius said, pausing. "Oh. Wait. Dr. Granger. Lily says that's the proper phrase. Though I'd have thought Dr. Granger would be with them as well. Which is weird, calling them both Dr. Granger."

"As in his girlfriend's parents?" Remus asked.

"Yes. Yes. And thank you for being here, since James and Lily are on their honeymoon, although you'd still be invited. I'm just glad to have someone here so I don't say something stupid to Regulus."

"Yes, well, I think you're going to say something stupid to Regulus," Remus said, coming away from the window. "It wasn't her parents."

"Another family member, then?"

"You could say that," Remus said, going into the kitchen. "I'm going to start some tea, to calm the nerves."

"I'm fine."

"For now. I definitely need a cup," Remus said, letting out a deep breath.

"And I'm going to accept the fact he's—I mean, she is a Muggle, despite the fact it's so weird having grown up with him in that house and how he was always in line with their nonsense."

"Yes, well, do prepare yourself."

"It's not as if they brought the old hag!" Sirius said, as a knock came at the door, his brother having informed him they'd be traveling the Muggle way, which floored Sirius. He hurried to the door and opened it, planning on greeting his younger brother only to find himself enveloped in a hug, which at first he thought was Fabian or Gideon and he opened his mouth to lecture them, only to see their grinning faces. And it wasn't Regulus' girlfriend either, to which he found himself returning his younger brother's unexpected hug. "Well, that's...."

He stopped saying he found the hug unexpected, having seen something else he 'd not expected. And he stared, continued doing so as the hug ended and Regulus started tugging at his sleeves. His eyes blinked, and he looked down, seeing his brother's hands were full, that Regulus was likely asking if there was a place to set things down.

"Uh. Kitchen counter." Sirius had his eyes on the thing, as his brother hurried in. He glared at the thing as Olivia came in, giving him a look as she did so while Fabian and Gideon continued to grin ear and ear, having known about the thing. He decided to distract himself by watching his younger brother. "Still not speaking?"

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