Pt1:Sonic's Appreciation Day

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F/C = Favorite Color
F/F = Favorite Food

The Reader Has The Power Of Teleportation Btw.....


Amy's POV

"Almost done....." As I said adding a picnic basket as the final touch for my future husband after I placed the picnic basket on the ground I ran up to Sonic's front door and knocked twice then I heard the door open as Sonic had just woken from his sleep, walking outside seeing a picnic in front of his house"What the...?"Sonic as got cut off by me singing, "HAPPY SONIC DAY TO YOU!, HAPPY SONIC DAY TO YOU!, I MADE YOU SOME CHILLI DOGS!" pulling a plate with layers of chili dogs stacked on top of one and another"YOU'RE MY BEST DREAM COME TRUE!"I stopped singing and hold out the plate of chilli dogs in front of him, "I made you chilli dogs, do you love it? I realized there are all sorta days, Christmas Day, Easter Day, Valentine's Day, but no day to celebrate the most wonderful hedgehog most perfect, most dreamy hedgehog in the whole world" I said very quickly and started to inhale deeply while Sonic starts avoiding eye contact"So I decided to make one, Welcome to the first.....' Sonic Appreciation Day!'" after I said that Sonic starting sweating bullets so I continued to speak"First we can have breakfast together, then we can play games with the forest creatures you saved, we can sing songs, go for a romantic walk and watch the sunset together while I tell you how wonderful you are!"When I said that Sonic got surprised and also guilty" Oh wow, that's.....a lot, Amy, Thanks but...I'm kinda busy right now...sorry."I heard Sonic say to me sadly"O-Oh b-busy, right, sure, sorry, it was a dum..."I got cut off by Sonic slamming the door in my face I looked down at the ground sadly then Sonic opened the door again peeking his head with his left arm sticking out this time reaching for the plate of chilli dogs saying"I'll um...just grab those chilli a shame to waste them"Slamming the door in my face once again"Oh..."I said sadly walking back to my home.

|At Amy's house(still her POV)|

Here I am..., crying about Sonic while holding a picture of him in my hands when suddenly I heard a loud explosion, and it seemed like it came from Tail's house so I ran out of my house and closed my front door and start running towards Tail's house to see what's going on.....when I got to his lab(Garage)I saw Y/N helping Tails off the floor"TAILS, OH MY, ARE YOU HURT?, WHAT HAPPENED Y/N?!"I yelled worried.

Y/N's Pov

"It's alright nobody got hurt and Tails was being a little careless that's all," I said to Amy with a gentle smile"You could say I'm my own worst enemy" I heard Tails say and Amy starts crying softly I get worried so I tried to comfort Amy by hugging her while holding a little box of tissue "Ah, jeez Amy please don't cry I'm okay."Tails said in a worried tone"Oh no it's not that. I feel so silly! I tried to show Sonic how much I care about him, but he just doesn't wanna know! Sometimes, I think no matter what I do he's, H-HE'S NEVER GOING TO LOVE MEEEEEE!!!"Amy said as she burst out crying while letting go of me"Oh Amy, Sonic can be a bit of a dummy sometimes, but he'll come 'round, After all, who couldn't love
you?"Tails said trying to comfort her as Amy grabbed the box of tissues out of my hand gently and took some tissue out of the box and used it for her nose"Y-You think so?"Amy asked"I know so!"Tails said cheerfully"You know what your problem is?"Tails asked Amy shook her head "You're coming too strong., What does Sonic like to do more than anything?"He asked, "Run?"I and Amy said in confusion"Exactly!! , and you can't run after something that's always there can you?" Tails asked again"I don't get it what are you trying to say Tails?" I asked clueless while he looked at me like I know then I heard a DING!"Sounds like my F/F is ready!"I said teleporting inside the kitchen happily"We'll while they is in there I'll continue, I meant to let him chase you! next time you see him don't even look at him. It will drive him crazy!"I heard Tails say to Amy"Oh boy I can't wait I'gonna ignore him so good! Tails you are the greatest, Thank you(x3 Times)"Of course, What are friends for?"Tails asked calmly as Amy starts to leave"Wow I don't claim a thank you?"I said irritated"It took you that long to get a plate full of F/F from out of the microwave?"Tails asked me with some curiosity"Yes it did and I fell asleep in the fridge for a few seconds" I replied and he looked at me with a 'Are you fucking crazy look' "Don't ask just know this whatever is in there is kinda mixed with F/C quills in the fridge"I continued while Tails looked stared at the kitchen, with disgust"I'll just order pizza....."Tails said"But right now I need you to do me a favor..."Let me guess you want me to go to Sonic's house and tell him the same thing you just told Amy?"I said cutting him off" did you know I was gonna say that?"He asked and I just shrugged my shoulders "Lucky guess" I said smirking"Anyways Ima go do that right now see ya later Miles" I said while pecking his cheek(I MEANT FACE BTW)" I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT-"I teleported ignoring his statement.

Sonic's Pov

To Be Continued


Y/N:Make Part 2  😇




Tails & Amy:🔫


Part 2 Is Coming Soon
1043 Words

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