Hated Gathering

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"I hate family gatherings," Sirius muttered, giving his reflection the best sneer he could possibly muster as he straightened the obscenely antiquated tie from the Victorian era in the mirror. He let his facial features muster up a sneer before leaving the upstairs bathroom he once shared—and momentarily again shared—with his younger brother.

He stopped, jacket hanging over his arm, staring at the sign over the door telling everyone not to enter without permission from a certain someone. With a deep sigh and tilting his head in irritation, Sirius stepped in, finding, as he expected, a certain someone still in his room; Regulus, after all, hadn 't bothered him about running late already. However, he'd not expected to find that specific someone sitting there on his bed, and legs pulled up to his chest so he could bury his face from view. Nor was that certain someone ready for the gathering they were both expected to attend.

"Seriously?" Sirius muttered under his breath.

He stepped into the room and walked over, watching Regulus not move as he got closer. He felt rather irritated at having somehow been drug back into the family—directly tied to Regulus. Sirius swallowed when his gray eyes focused on Regulus ' left arm, the root cause of the mess he now found himself in. They'd both learned neither Orion nor Walburga wanted either one of them to join up, which was why Sirius left.


"Go away," Regulus muttered.

"Really?" Sirius said. "You do realize I'm in this bloody mess because of you? I never wanted to come back here, being forced to mingle with the family. Yet here you are, planning on hiding away in your room, but I'll be the one getting the chewing out because you don't attend."

Regulus looked up and—

Sirius found himself far from amused. "Bloody Merlin. Have you been crying?"

He watched his brother make a sorry attempt at wiping the tears away from his eyes, followed by a sniffle from a horribly runny nose.

"Well, she will certainly have a fit when you show up."

"I'm not going."

Sirius let out a deep breath and looked at the ceiling. "What did I say about me being the one they'll chew out if you don't?"

"I can't," Regulus said.

"You bloody well," Sirius said, looking down in time to see his younger brother pull back his sleeve, revealing the mark that made Sirius want to gag when he saw it. A hand clamped over his mouth, his jacket still hanging from his elbow, ready to pull on if Walburga made enough of a stink. He lowered his hand, taking in the scratch marks as if Regulus had been scratching at the mark. "Why did you show me that?"

"I can't go!" Regulus said.


Regulus lifted his arm, almost as if he were trying to shove the Dark Mark into Sirius ' face. If they were closer, he probably would have succeeded. Sirius looked away, seeing the mark on his brother's arm continuing to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Why do you keep showing me that?"

"I messed up!"

"Oh, la-di-da," Sirius said. "I mess up all the time, remember."

"Not like this!" Regulus said. "And I mess up all the time too!"

Sirius turned his head, looking at Regulus, before looking away. "Please. Regulus. Cover your arm."

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