You aren't invited (bakusqaud)

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Note: so I was watching Sierra burgess cuz I 

Bakugo let out a growl he was absolutely furious today why?  because spiky hair and pikachu  didn't go grocery shopping ,so now he had to pick up food on the way back to there apart.

Damn it ! he should have just moved in by himself, it was stupid of him to share an apartment with someone  who always   manage to set fire to the very thing he tries to cook and someone who can't touch water without having a panic attack .

Making him the only competent one in his group which even though it doesn't come as a surprise to him it's still highly annoying.Sometime bakugou wish he wasn't so smart or more of wish that he wasn't the only sane competent   one of the group  who had more than three brain cells .

Grumbling and cursing out kaminari Bakugo  open the door struggling to carry the ridiculous amount of junk food he bought ,do  to his roommate  request , he did buy   actual food as well considering they were running low .

This was a normal circumstance, with Kirishima weird workout food diet and kaminari constantly snacking through out the day , food shopping was an every day occurrence that they for some reason left it up to Bakugo to do.

He grumbled even  more ,if those idiots were going to destroy their food supply the least they can do was go fucking shopping Bakugo thoughts. 

Opening the door , he entered in to   the house passing the couch where  Jirou   Sat,  "Sup ears"Bakugo said half heartedly mumbled, at this point it didn't come as a surprise that Jirou was here ,ever since kaminari  started dating her shes been coming over regularly and vise verse.

At first Bakugo was furious  , the fact that.   dunce face  invited her over without even discussing it ,but by now he's to use to it to give a fuck especially since he already had so much to do "Hey what's got you so made me Bakugo " some one said , Bakugo ticked at that gritting his teeth as he shot the person a glare.

 "What the fuck you say?!" He screeched , his eye landed on tape dispenser  who was peaking his head above the couch a huge grin plastered on his face as mockingly giggled.

"Woah Bakugo chill " Raccoon eye's said , she was sprawled out on the floor curled up in a blanket , Bakugo scrunched his face up tight  he swore he could fell a vein bulge "WhAt the fuck are you  guys doing here!?" He demanded .

"We were out of chips" Sero said shrugging ,as he turned back to face the tv , trying to end the conversation there Bakugo grew even madder.

"What the fuck does that have to do with  anything"Bakugo  agressively demanded, Jiruo rolled her eye reaching over to the remote and cutting the volume up ,this made bakugo brow furrowed further down right , he gritted his teeth in anger clenching his fist together when he was about to yell he heard footsteps 

"K we're  back  what did we  miss" Kaminari  said walking in ,Kirishima right behind him  both were  were holding pop cans , Kirishima looked at  bakugo who angrily stared back at the two of them.

"Hey bakubro you look mad" Kirishima pointed out  with a beaming smile showing his rather sharp tooth, bakugou  wanted to strangle him   but with the fresh  food in his arm  that could easily bruise he instead tapped his feet.

"Okay dumbasses  what the fuck are they doing here" Bakugo demanded pointing to the intruder at hand with resentfulness.

"Well originally  we were going to watch a movie at Mina dorm but she was  out of chips" kaminari shrugged, Bakugou dropped his bags on the floor and maliciously  trudged over towards  kaminari, activating his quirk in the process  mini  explosion were  erupting threateningly, he then grabbed kaminari by his shirt and lefted him to his eye level. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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