Chapter 1

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I dragged my suitcase along the airport floor.
This is it
I thought to myself as I saw my taxi pull up. I climbed in and told the taxi driver where to go and we proceeded to take the route to my new home.
I need to get used to England being my new home...
Once we pulled up outside my luxury new home which by the way was the only one I fell in love with when I came looking around. Although it was way more than what I wanted to pay it's perfect!
Paying the taxi driver, I climbed out once we had arrived. I sighed happily, looking up at my new home and feeling quite proud. I grabbed my new keys and proceeded to walk to the door. I unlocked it and quickly shut the door behind me and froze as I herd the shower running...
What the hell. Grabbing the nearest thing to me which was a sweeping brush right by the door I hid in the door way of the bedroom the was located right next to the bathroom. The running water came to a stop and then soon after the stranger emerged.
Why there was a person in my new home I don't know, but my instinct was that they were homeless and was squatting. IN MY HOME!
The bathroom door opened and a tall figure strolled out in nothing but a towel. I didn't wait but charged and began hitting him with the sweeping brush.
"What the hell!"
He yanked the bush out of my hands and pushed me against the wall!
"Get out of my fucking house now!"
My heart sped up as the stranger got angry. I could see him properly and he had a blonde quiff and my God was he tall...not only tall but he was drop dead gorgeous. This is no excuse for him to be in my home though.
"Your in my house!" I yelled back!
He looked at me funny...
"How can I be in your house? I've only just moved in and when I bought it it was defiantly up for sale"
"I'm moving in today I can tell you now it's my house!" I said back
"Wait, do you even know who I am?"
"No, should I?"
He just laughed and walked away. What the..
"Okay guys jokes over you can come out now" he shouted.
What the hell is he on about.
A/n okay so this is my second tris fanfic because I really hate my other one! 🙈 I can tell I'm going to enjoy writing this and I promise it will get better! 🙈 hope you enjoy!

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