Chapter 2

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"Who are you shouting?" I said with confusion running through my voice. "The guys. This has got to be a joke right? I mean you've turned up to my house claiming its your house to?" He almost laughed when saying that. "It's because it is my home! Look!" I dug through my bags and routed for the paper work to prove it was my home. I handed him the documents and then his face dropped. He walked off to One of the rooms and returned with an identical piece of paper...
"Who sold it to you? A woman?" I said. "No a man"
Oh my god. We both own the penthouse.
An hour later and we were sat in the living room with both people who sold us the house. There has been a mix up with the documents and we have both ended up with the penthouse. "So what we can do is try and find one just as nice but it may be a little more expensive and it might not be in this area. Plus you'd have to wait about a week for us to be able to even find something this nice. There's nothing we can do until we find something. I'm really sorry." The woman said.
"wait what?! So your saying I've got to stay here? With him for a whole week?!" I protest "I'm afraid so, unless one of you is willing to move out. until something Is found?" I have no where else to go though I've literally only just moved here ready to start my life by myself and now this happens. Great. "We'll leave you to discuss everything and we'll be in touch soon"
They left and I was left dumbfounded. What the hell just happened.
I've got to live with this this stranger for a whole week. No! "You will have to move out." I state. "What? No! I was here first why should I move out." He said "Because I've got no where to go and I'm not from around here" I said "Figures" he replied. "So that means your moving out" "Nope I'm not" he said smugly. "So you'd better get used to it"


He walked off and I sighed to myself. This really can't be happening. I came over here ready to start my new life and actually have freedom. The town I lived in was quite and coming here now I realise completely what I'm missing out on. Being 19 and only just being allowed to live my life how I wanted to actually sucked but now I'm allowed to it sucked even more as I've got to live with this arrogant stranger. I mean what's that all about?!
I grabbed my bags from where I left them. I didn't really bring much because I'm going to go shopping here and buy everything I need.
"So you were serious when you said you didn't know who I was?" He asked smirking.
"Yes why would I lie about knowing you?"
"Hmm yeah I guess so."
"So what is your name then?" I asked. Why should I know him? His face expressions tell me that I should know him but how am I supposed to when I'm not even from England and know no one.
"Tristan, how about you?"
"Alexis, so how is this going to work then"
"Don't worry I'll be out most of the time. We practise during the day anyway so you'll hardly see me" he stated.
"Practise what?"
"For the band I'm in. I play drums, there's four of us."
"Sounds cool" I replied. I don't really listen to music but recently started to listen to Cody Simpson. Back in my old home and town i was too busy to ever just be able to sit and listen to music and the CD player really is rubbish plus I'm not really into the 80's CDs laying around out house. I Guess seen as Tristan's in a band he can give me some good songs to listen to and to get on my new phone that I bought a few weeks ago. I drag my bags to the room that Tristan hasn't taken and begin to unpack.
An hour later Tristan comes walking in.
"Have you ever herd of knocking? It's a polite way to enter someone's room" I say sternly.
"Door was open, what's the point in knocking."
"What do you want?!" I huff
"I'm going out and came to ask if you need anything while I'm out or if you need a lift anywhere?" He says as though he doesn't want to be asking this.
"No I'm fine thanks"
He gives me suit yourself look and walked out. 5 minuets later and I hear the door slam shut. Guess that's him gone.
I sit for about half an hour in the penthouse alone and wonder what to do. I had it all planned out of what I was going to do until Tristan ruined it all.
I sigh grab my phone and keys and ring a taxi. I'm going to town, least It'll keep me busy for a few hours.
Once the taxi arrives and drops me off outside the town centre I climb out and look at all the different shops. I never even had many shops in our town back home never mind a mall. I look round...a super-drug, next, top shop, boots, lush I don't even know what half of these are. I look towards the coffee shop. Costa. There was one in the airport and it was the best coffee if ever had. I stroll towards it and walk up to the girl working behind the counter. She had a name badge that said Lauryn.
"Hi what can I get you?" she smiled at me.
"Please can I have a caramel latte"
"Of course, anything else?"
"No thankyou that's it"
"Okay that'll be £2.30"
I pay and take my coffee to one of the tables.
The girl behind the counter who's name was Lauryn came and sat across from me.
"I hope you don't mind I'm just on my break and couldn't help but notice you say by yourself. No offence you look a little lost too, are you new here" she says
I smile at her. She seems nice
"Yeah I've just moved here, I'm trying to get to know the area."
"Well you can bob I'm here and chat to me any time" she smiles "it gets really boring"
"I will take you up on that offer"
We both laugh. I can see us being friends.

My Famous Roommate | Tristan EvansWhere stories live. Discover now