Chapter 1: A Fateful Sacrifice

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A Fateful Sacrifice

Seimei locked eyes with the largest of Yamata no Orochi's heads as it reared back to unleash ruin once more upon Heian Kyo. "You will ravage this land no longer," he declared in a steely voice. Calling forth energies tingling at his fingertips, Seimei launched a binding spell to ensnare the serpent.

Golden ropes of magic burst from his hands, wrapping tightly around the beast. Yamata no Orochi thrashed furiously against its mystical constraints, seeking to incinerate the exorcist with fiery wrath. But Seimei stood unflinching, pouring every ounce of will into maintaining the bonds.

The people and homes of Heian Kyo lay wrecked in the serpent god's wake. For their sake, Seimei steeled his resolve to stop the destruction at any cost. As Yamata no Orochi weakened under his spell, Seimei summoned the final measures to banish the terror for good. "You will harm this world no more," he vowed.

Blazing light engulfed his form, merging man and magic into a single weapon against the foe. With a thunderous roar, Seimei released every last reservoir of power in a cataclysmic blast. His final sight was of Yamata no Orochi vanishing into ashes on the wind. Then darkness overcame his spent body and soul.

As death's cold grasp closed around him, a brilliant blue light pierced the shadows ahead. A vortex had materialized, radiating with mysteries beyond divine reckoning. Its pull intensified, drawing Seimei's lifeless body into the luminescent unknown. Seimei let out a thunderous war cry that echoed across the decimated capital. All eight heads of Yamata no Orochi snapped towards the source of the challenge, jaws gaping to unleash scorching fury. But Seimei had endured greater trials and would not falter now in his sacred duty.

A swirling vortex of spiritual energy encircled his body, its azure radiance overwhelming the flaming ruins. Drawing deep on reserves forged through years of discipline, Seimei summoned arcane seals forming an exorcism technique beyond any attempted. The seals multiplied until a full circle surrounded both exorcist and prey.

With a thunderous roar to match Yamata no Orochi's, Seimei slammed his palms onto the ground. Raw power burst from his technique, chains of light shooting forth to ensnare snake and human alike within the vortex. Though vast in scale, the serpent god was not accustomed to magics of this depth. It thrashed madly against bindings sinking into scorched scales.

Seimei stood at the vortex's heart, unwavering against the foe's rage. His will held fast where brute strength had failed for so long. This night, the terror of Heian Kyo would know defeat by Japan's greatest exorcist. Victory would be hard won, but Seimei had long steeled himself for sacrifice if his country demanded it. With its scaly bulk ensnared, Yamata no Orochi thrashed with renewed panic. But the vortex held true, forged by a will that would yield to no threat against humanity. Seimei stood calmly at the technique's core, gathering the last vestiges of strength for what must come next.

He knew protecting his people demanded no less than absolute victory, whatever the cost. Channeled correctly, his essence could merge spirit and technique, forging them into a weapon to unmake even divinity. Looking to the frightened survivors huddled in ruins, hoping against hope for deliverance, Seimei found resolute purpose.

Your lives and happiness are all that truly matter, he spoke silently to the onlookers. Any sacrifice of mine to safeguard Japan is a small offering indeed. With renewed focus and composure borne of duty, Seimei closed his eyes and bent his will towards ascension. Vapors rose from trembling palms as energy transcended flesh. Bright light began swallowing exorcist and vortex alike.

The time had come to forge salvation. Seimei steeled himself and surrendered fully to the ritual's final demands. His essence detonated outwards in a blinding flash, spirit joining forces with magic to deliver Yamata no Orochi's long-due fall. Seimei's final thoughts were for his people and country, now saved from the serpent forevermore., With the last dregs of strength, Seimei released the pent-up forces coursing through every fiber of his being. A detonation burst forth from within the vortex, mystic radiance consuming both it and Yamata no Orochi in a blinding flash. An unearthly shriek rent the night as the serpent god's form began disintegrating under the assault.

Through rapidly darkening sight, Seimei beheld his technique tearing massive holes through scaly flesh. Yamata no Orochi thrashed madly, eight heads unleashing dying fires of venom and rage. But the lighting storm of Seimei's essence was inexorable. Ancient evil collapsed in on itself, burning away into ash swept by uncaring winds.

Heian Kyo fell silent but for soft weeping as the last echoes of destruction faded. Seimei staggered on the verge of collapse, vision dimming, yet managed a smile. His duty was complete; his people would know peace once more. As darkness crept swiftly in to claim its due, Seimei's final thoughts were for all those whose lives he had striven and sacrificed to protect. Then night took him fully, and he knew no more. Unconsciousness dragged Seimei swiftly towards its soundless shores. All strength fled his battered body, the last flames of magic guttering out within. Victory had been won, but at an almost total cost. As darkness descended, a faint susurrus arose behind the exorcist.

A swirling vortex took form, dimensional walls warping around its throbbing core. Beams of ethereal light shot forth to envelop Seimei's fading form. Their caress roused fading senses enough to register doom or deliverance approaching. The vortex pulsed with potency beyond mortal ken, an open portal calling lost souls to destinations unknown.

Its pull exerted irresistible gravity, drawing Seimei's lifeless husk towards shimmering depths. With his final shards of awareness slipping away, the exorcist grasped this power aimed to uproot him from all he knew. Why had the celestial kami chosen him as conduit? What mysteries lay beyond this otherwhen? As oblivion rushed in to drown such questions, Seimei surrendered fully to the eddies sweeping him into liminal realms no soul had ever glimpsed. Then darkness came, and he saw no more. ,

Moments after devouring Seimei's remains, the mystical gateway shut with a resonating boom. The swirling azure vortex faded from view, leaving no trace of the power that had so abruptly emerged. Yamata no Orochi was no more, its foul essence eternally scattered on the winds of change.

Those survivors bearing witness broke their silence with somber cheers. Heian Kyo was saved from certain ruination, yet ghosts of deeper losses lingered. For while Seimei's sacrifice had purchased new life with death, had also ended the age of a guardian watching over Japan since time immemorial.

As crowds rushed to offer thanks at Sume-no-Mikoto's shrine, bittersweet victory weighed heavy on scorched souls. The protector who banished all dark forces to the skin of the land was gone, taking legend with him into whatever mysterious fate lay beyond the now-sealed portal's veil. Of Seimei himself, and the enigmatic power summoning him from the realm of mortals, none could say with any certainty.

All that remained was rebuilding from ashes, honoring the savior who gave everything to safeguard his homeland, and wondering at the veil-piercing mysteries guiding guardian exorcists towards destinies unseen. But for now, Japan mourned its losses and lifted grateful voices to the kami for a dawn cleansed anew. ,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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