THE OG's present- TONY STARK

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without further adu lets begin this roller coaster of a ride

BOLD= Me talking


Normal= the rest


the theater was left alone for a bit to mingle after they introduced themselves

the oldies were tired and done

the kids and Scott were happy and excited, when suddenly the speakers burst to life and a loud

Hey Ya'll

was heard which made Peter clamp his ears shut

Ah sorry peter let me turn the volume down a bit

Peter mutters a quick thankyou tiny bit embarrassed

Ya'll will first be reacting to and getting to know your actors

'fun' 'yay' were deadpanned by the mature adults present in the room. while many were curious and murmured in agreement

Tony trying to get the attention away from Pete says 'lady can we start already?'

Since, Tony asked so nicely lets start with him

some mutters of 'always stark first ofc' 'why always him' where heard from people *cough* Wanda *cough.

it was ignored by everyone and was found the target of a disapproval look from vision and a glare from peter.

alriitee lets begin then



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Name: Robert Downey Jr.

Age: 57 years (as of 2022)

Nationality: American

Profession: American actor, producer, and singer

Martial Status: Married

Children: 3

Net Worth: $300 million

the first to speak was ironman himself, 'who the fuck names their child Robert??? i thought sTePhEn StRaNgE was shit but this dude go it worse'. This got him an offended look from the targeted person 'Here i was minding my own business trying not to exist and Tony stark comes and starts throwing accusations at you'. the genZ kids(peter, Shuri, Kate, kamala) just collectively said 'heh moood' this got a confused look from steve rogers before he questions it Clint just sighs and says 'don't even bother cap, i gave up a long time should you'.

Peggy trying to bring the topic back to the matter at hand looks over to her nephew and says to him 'seems like he is worth a lot eh tony?' Tony just laughs and tells her 'yep aunt pegs, he may be...but i am worth a lot more. this got him a 'of course you are tony of course' from anonymous people who shall not be named. Steve whips his head shocked 'aUnT !?!?' tony and Peggy and everyone else in the room just gave him a 'yeah duh' look, Nat shakes her head and goes 'Steve...his dad is Howard stark, she is Peggy carter...connect the dots!'. Steve was left in confusion for a while.

Clint just having processed the children part goes 'stark you got 3 kids...dude honestly respect', tony was gonna give a rebuttal but didn't as the civil war made him think a lot about starting a family, instead he says 'maybe you should give him parenting tips then Barton', Clint to this muttered 'maybe I will...'

Peter gotten over being stars truck by the avengers interaction and having finished taking notes secretly with Kate helping him (they became fast friends) for his 'avengers compound' fanfic voiced out 'damn Mr.'re old' Tony gave him an offended look while all around people were laughing at this comment, tony sputtered' wha- ki-kid I thought we were on the same side!' 'well we are doesn't mean I cant state the fact that you're old..' replied peter. watching this interaction Clint leaned to Nat and whispered '10 bucks that stark will soon adopt this child' Nat just smirked and went 'no human would take that bet Clint everyone with common sense knows its gonna be true'

Kate after all the ruckus died down whispered to peter 'dude...ironman sings in the other universe' peters eyes went wide at this and gleamed with delight 'hey Emma can we get a video of Mr. Robert singing a song or something...for you know science' Tony sighed and goes 'kid don't bring science into your attempts at scrambling for blackmail' Steve perked up at this and says 'son if you are looking for blackmail on should look nowhere but at the people present in this room-though as captain America I am supposed to tell you blackmail is bad and shouldn't be done- lets slide it this time cause...reasons', Sam was shocked to see this side of Steve while Bucky smirked thinking the Brooklyn kid is back at it again...

Meanwhile the asgardians and guardians just watched the whole debacle ( it's a wonder quill stayed silent for so long)
Loki and Sylvie were still reeling and trying to process the whole he who remains debacle and they're final moments with each other

Oh yea btw mobius is here yea he sits btw between Loki and Sylvie (I'm telling ya this fic no romance idk why might change it later as we go along tho)

alrite people that's the basic info on RDJ lessmove on to....



correct mistakes pls

ik this probably will never get as many views as the original but hey whose to say maybe this'll fare better : )


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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