monty and Sebastian

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(in this story Sebastian will be 8 years old. This makes Scotty 18. Scotty is older in the series but it's my story; enjoy)

Sebastian was laying in his room starring at the ceiling. He jerks as he heard screaming coming from the other room makeing him sit up fast. He watched Montgomery open the door and rush over to him, placeing headphones over his ears. Sebastian wraps his arms around Montgomery listening to the music.
Monty waited for the yelling to stop then took the headphones off his brother
"are ye' ok?"
"Aye" Sebastian wipes the tears and smiles
"Thank you Monty"
"Montgomery, Sebastian." The two boys turn there head towards the figures at the doorway and smile. Montgomery stands up and straightens his back
"mum? Dad?" Their father walks closer to the two
"As you could imagine me and your mother are having a divorce" Montgomery's eyes widened
"W-What?" The mother nods
"Yes, I'm sorry. It will be hard for you two but this just isn't working out." Sebastian stands up
"Me and monty won't get separated right?" The parents look at eachother then back at their kids. Sebastian lifted an eyebrow

~one day later~
Sebastian held onto his dad's hand as he looked back. Back at the house he grew up in. He couldn't believe it. Him and Monty were separated. They will meet again... Hopefully. Montgomery runs to Sebastian and wraps his arm around him "I will miss you brother.. please don't forget about me.."
"I won't I promise." Montgomery steps back and looks at Sebastian's face smileing. He wipes the tears from his little brothers face "no need to cry, we will see eachother again. One day I promise" Sebastian paused for a second to process what to say next; he ended up just nodding.

    ~14 years later~
Sebastian rubbed his eyes as he sits up. It took ages for him to fall asleep the night before since he was so excited for today! He was going to be an engineer on the starship Enterprise... THE enterprise! He couldn't believe it. He basically jumped out of bed and into his new outfit. The last thing he put on was he boots. Sebastian ran down the stairs and skidded to a stop Infront of his Stepmom; he pulled his red shirt down and smiled. His Stepmom looked him up and down and scoffed "I don't see why they would trust you with the ship. Your only twenty-two." Sebastian egnored her and ran to his dad not even realizeing how messy his hair was. The suitcase was being dragged behind him. His father fixed Sebastian's hair then placed a hand on his cheek "please be careful"
"I will father" he hugs him squeezing tight
"Don't worry about me; it will probably give you more gray hairs" the father's mouth opened in shock as he let Sebastian go "I'm not that old" Sebastian just laughed at the fact he made his dad irritated. Sebastian ran out their quarters, the father and stepmother quickly follow behind him

Montgomery sighed and stood up. Kirk wasn't just the captian of the enterprise... He was also the captian of getting on Scotty's nerves. Jim was trying to contact Scotty "Captian to Mr. Scott are you there?"
"Aye im here captin' "
"Good, were getting new engineer's today, their only young though"
"Of course why wouldn't they be?"
"There names are, simon smith, Toby price and Sebastian Scott" Montgomery's eyes lit up; Sebastion... Scott...
"Mr. Scott are you there?"
"Oh uhm aye I'm here"
"Is one of them related to you?"
"I- I think so captin'.."
"So you get a family reunion how exciting"
"You don't seem happy about it?"
"Oh yea.. how do you want me to act?" Montgomery chuckles
"I'm not sure"
"They will be here any minute now, get ready Scotty"
"A-Aye" he paces back and forth as he waits.

Sebastian turns to look at his dad "oh yea, I'm going to be teached by someone called Montgomery Scott, do I know him?" The father's eyes widend
"Monty. Yes you do know him; he's your brother!"
"My.. brother?"
"Yes, you two were separated when you were nine. I didn't really have a choice.. I'm sorry" a woman ran over to Sebastian and grabbed onto his face "oh Sebastian is that you? You've changed so much!"
"Can I help you?"
"Oh.. I'm your biological mother.. you don't remember me?"
"Oh.. guess not" his mother bit her lip "well let's get on the ship then"
"You're coming with me?"
"Only untill the enterprise sets off"
"Ok.. let's go then!" Sebastian could barely contain his excitement as they walked closer to the ship he had been dreaming of since... Well as long as he can remember.
     Sebastian's eyes lit up as he was finally on the enterprise. He couldn't believe it! He couldn't even stand still. The father places a hand on his shoulder "calm down"

~20 minutes later~
Montgomery bites his lip as he looks at the new recruits. They were so young, probably the youngest he has ever worked with. He sighs and walks over to them with a smile on his face. Sebastian looks up at him with excitement written all over his face; I mean why wouldn't he be excited... That was his big brother Infront of him... The one he hasn't seen in years!
"Follow me to engineering and I will show you the basics."

~2 hours later~
Montgomery sits down and sighs as he puts his head in his hands.
Sebastian wanders over to him and taps his leg "Monty? Are you ok?"
"Aye.. I'm fine" Montgomery looks up and crosses his arms "I've not seen you since you were nine. You've grown up so much..." Sebastian nods and wraps his arms around him. He was finally with his brother again..

introduction to Sebastian ScottWhere stories live. Discover now