Chapter One

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Slipping through the crowds of intoxicated teenagers, I was only half surprised to see at least seventy percent of them both underage and completely stoned. And as I so luckily dodged the abundant teens that attended my school, I managed to bump into a bubbly brunette named Emma, a girl living only a couple blocks away from my house.

"Hey, Emma," I say, tapping her shoulder lightly.

She turns around, a red disposable cup in her left hand with its alcoholic contents dangerously brimming the edge.


She nudges me with her hand and I can't help but grimace as a couple of drops of God knows what splashes onto my blouse. She doesn't seem to notice my sudden change in expression and my SA starts to take it's toll as my hands find their way to the back pockets of my jeans.

The heaven bells ring in my head as she decides to spark a conversation. "Who did you bring as your plus one?"

"Actually," I say, smiling sheepishly, "I don't have one."

Emma waved it off, took a long sip of her drink and motioned her hand as if I should come closer.

An expression I mistook for nausea washed over her features but could easily have been realisation. Either way, she leant in close enough for me to hear, nearly crushing her flimsy cup in the process.

"Hey, just for the heads up," she says, "Kane's been turning this place upside down looking for you."

And if I hadn't known that there was a party going down, I would have agreed with her statement; this place looked a wreck. A small coffee table to my left had been tipped on its side and with that follows used disposable cups similar to the one Emma is clutching and multiple stains marinating in the fibres of the carpet.

As if on cue, I hear Kane's oh-so-sweet voice call my name over the partially deafening music. I despise loud music. But there's only one thing that's worse than loud music and that's music that's terrible and also loud. I soon find myself questioning the point in coming to this party; there's nobody I want to socialise with, there's nothing but loud and terrible music and the stench of booze and pot is almost rotting the bridge of my nose.


Kane rests a hand on my shoulder and fills the small gap between Emma and I. My eyes wander from the can of beer he's grasping in his right hand to the outfit he's wearing; he doesn't look half bad. A flimsy white tee clings desperately to his muscular chest underneath a plaid unbuttoned flannel that hangs loosely from his broad frame.

With a roll of my eyes, I take a couple steps back to put some distance between us. It's only two weeks since we had been arguing.

He doesn't notice my change in body language that clearly indicates I don't want to talk to him and he decides to spark up a conversation anyway.

"How's it going?" He tilts his head upwards and takes a long swig of his beer, his Adam's apple bobbing as the iced booze trickled down his throat. I begin to wonder whether he even cares for my reply.

"Um," I say, mentally scolding myself for sounding so timid, "just great."

He rids the excess beer on his lips with his tongue. I wonder if he's trying to taunt me on purpose or whether his presence alone is enough to weaken me at the knees. Either way, I stare back at him as he studies my face. Something in his eyes is missing and I don't know whether to blame the alcohol or myself.

"Hey," he says, lifting his left hand to stroke the side of my face but I turn away from his touch, leaving his hand in midair. "I'm so--"

"Stop." I say loud enough for him to hear me. "Just stop."

He sighs, running a hand over the surface of his face. He uses the same hand to wrap around the back of my neck as he pulls me unwillingly into his chest, resting his chin on top of my head.

"I love you," he says, kissing my temple before whispering for only me to hear, "and I miss you."

And I him.

I inhale his scent that is masked by the stench of alcohol but is still as knee-weakening as ever. His hands fall limply to his sides and I watch his frame as he walks away from me, disappearing into the crowd.

There is no denying that I still love him.

>> >> >>

Two hours and a couple of beers later, the party is in full swing and I can almost feel the alcohol swimming in my bloodstream. Hardly to my surprise, I notice people are still pouring in through the door and I begin to contemplate whether a guest list was necessary. And as my eyes wander across the sea of strange faces I've never seen before, I notice Kane is perched on the edge of a sofa with a couple viciously making-out behind him and a paralytic Emma sprawled out on the kitchen counter. I ponder on the thought of who I sympathise more and I decide it's most definitely Emma; the mess she'll be in tomorrow is unimaginable.

I find myself chuckling as I watch the small scene of Kane being pushed and shoved unfold before me and I consider wether I should offer a helping hand or if I should leave him be.

I decide on the latter.

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of EOK! I have this story over on Quotev but this is going to be the rewritten version. I hope you liked it and please feel free to comment/vote if you enjoyed it. I will be updating shortly! :-) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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