Chapter one: "What's that puppet boy? Ill move when I want to" part 1

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TW: Implied starving, implied eating disorder, mentioned starving, mention og extreme hunger, and ect

Third person POV:

Dream was tired. He was so tired of barely eating, ignoring his little brother's, acting like a pick me, being a total flirt, and acting like a fucking bitch for pedophiles who thought he was cute!

He wanted to be his own person but it seemed impossible in the world he lived in. He nearly cried when he heard his brother knock on his bedroom door. He sighed before getting up and going to the triplets and twin*if you haven't read the description it's going to make you very confused so read it* He went to nonbinary Y/N first and picked them up.

The 9 month old let out a small whine as they were woken from their slumber but smiled when they saw their mothers(brothers) buetiful vibrant green eyes. They giggled and reached up touching their mothers face. Dream changed them into a oversized T-shirt and shorts before laying them down on their stomach for tummy time in their playpen.

Then he walked over to Fem! Y/N the 2 year old was already wide awake and staring at her "mother". She giggled and reached up to dream and he of course picked up the girl. He quickly changed her into a purple dress and put a bow on her lomg/short/medium length hair and then set her down after brushing threw her naturally blonde/brunette/black/red/other color hair before putting it in a ponytail and setting her down for tummy time too only for her to sit up and begin playing.

Dream walked over to male! Y/N and picked the toddler up before changing him into some sweatpants and a shirt that said "ain't no woman alive who could take my mama's place" and giggled to himself before sitting the toddler in the playpen.

Then dream walked to the twins bump beds. To no one's surprise the 4 year Olds were sleeping on the same bed. He shook them awake and told them to get dress after giving them their outfits for the day which they quickly rushed to do. 

Dream left the room and knocked on the boys room before he went to the kitchen to make food. Not for him, he wasn't allowed to eat, but for the kids. Even though he was extremely hungry.

Dream finished cooking and put it on the table. Suddenly he felt a buzz inside his pocket and pulled his phone out to see the notification telling him nightmare texted him.

       Dream quickly rushed to change. Then he ran down the hallway to his brothers office. He knocked on the door and when he heard a voice call out telling him to come in he basically ran inside.

      " I-im here! " He said, panting slightly. " Get ready, we're going to meet a famous boyband for a collab and the kids are coming. Also with some of the friends that are girls. " Nightmare said and as soon as Dream heard that he ran to get his bag ready.

      Since he heard their was girls he packed some tampons and pads just in case they needed some, 2 boxes of Kool aid jamers(the blue ones), half a box of hot chips, half a box of regular chips, del Rosa candy's, chocolates, heating pads, hand sanitizer, a walky talky, a portable charger(one that doesn't need to be plugged in), advil, bandages, 2 inhalers(just incase someone had asma), dog treats(incase they ran into a cute dog or someone had a dog), and a 12 pack of tiny water bottles.

       If you couldn't tell he was the mom friend. He quickly rushed out the room picking up the triplets and putting them inside of the triplet stroller he had before grabbing Lani, and dristas hands and calling the boys over and explaining the situation.

         When they finally got their dream was the first to get out followed shortly by the kids and Nightmare.

~Time skip when they got inside~

       Dream sat on one side with his siblings while Nikki, puffy, sam, punz, Illumina, technoblade, philza, george, sapnap, wilbur, quackity, bad, skeppy, fundy, and jschlatt was their.

      It was an interview type of thing. " So dream, have you ever been abducted or attempted to be abducted at all this month? " The interviewer asked and all eyes were on him.

        "I think this month's count is six or seven? That one guy just grabbed my arm and started saying weird things. Like how pretty I was and how nice I'd look in his bed. My brother happened to pass by and punched the guy for me. I don't know if that counts as kidnapping though... and its only been 8 days into this month too! I usually save myself or my brothers save me. " Dream replied and smiled like it was normal.

       " Okay uhm... So we have a special guest who's said multiple times he can pull you, so why not try. " The interviewer said, and some guy smirked and began standing up. " Bittch sit down. " Dream said, glaring at him.

      Everyone was surprised by how quickly humbling the cocktail guy before he can even do or say anything surprising everyone. This guy was never rejected, hell he was cupids son! Dream stood up, surprising everyone.

      He began walking over to the guy, and the guy cockily smirked when suddenly Dream walked passed him, surprising everyone again. He walked over to George and whispered something into his ear, causing george to nod and then him sit ontop og George's lap and get comfortable before resting his head on a blushing George's chest.

        He had asked George if he can sit their, and George assuming he meant next to him nodded, so was surprised when Dream suddenly sat on his lap.

To be continued...
Word count: 1020
A/N: Sorry for taking forever with this update, i needed ideas and stuff and I was busy with stuff so yeah😅

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