Do you get Deja Vu? <❤️‍🩹>

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Now playing Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo
(this is based off of the one episode where Jimmy jr breaks Tina's heart on Valentine's Day)
angst sorry....enjoy !!🧸🤍

(Tina POV)
"I don't think I've ever been so excited in my life! Valentine's Day is in 3 days and I'm going to tell Jimmy jr how I feel! These feelings have always being laying dormant inside of me but I'm finally ready to act on them! I really think he likes me back, I mean we've kissed a few times over the months and all the signs are there....I just hope I'm not misreading them!" I excitedly scribbled these words into my diary and I brushed my hair for school, I'm supposed to be focusing on brushing my teeth and putting on my socks but all my thoughts are him. Jimmy Pesto jr is all I've ever wanted in a guy; he's sweet, funny, handsome, down to earth, and romantic...when he feels like it! Everything's there and all I need to do is lock my relationship down!! Victory is so close I can taste it from here an-"TINA!!! Its time to go to school!" A familiar voice yelled outside of my door, that voice being my mom. "Okay I'm coming!" I yelled back as I slid my shoes on and happily skipped out of the door, im in love and I don't care who knows it!! I got into the car with Gene and Louise as I scooted into my seat, I'm so head over heels I'm not even mad I'm in the middle seat! The whole way to school my heart is jumping and I'm grinning ear to ear! Jimmy jr and I have been on and off for so long, but he's been hinting to me for so long now! The compliments, walking me to class, the quality time with me, the occasional hand holding, and of course all the goo goo eyes! Jimmy Jr is all I need and or want!!! As well pull up to Wagstaff my heart skips a small beat just looking at the glass double doors! "Goodbye kids, me and your father love you!" My mom smiles as she waves us off into school. I don't get to see Jimmy in my morning classes but I giddily giggled as I hopped into my health class, I know today is going to be wonderful.
It was 2:23 pm and the bell would ring at 2:30, I desperately ran down the hall so I could get a chance to see sweet Jimmy jr! as I ran towards the glass doors I spotted the outline of Jimmy jr! I began to sprint closer to the hallway he was occupying. As I came into his proximity I could already feel my face becoming a bit warm! "Hello Jimmy jr! How was your day?" I said with a smile, patiently waiting for his response. "Oh hey Tina, it was fine-TAMMY!" He suddenly gasped as ....Tammy ran into his arms? "Hey babe! Happy 2 day anniversary" Tammy...smiled as she kissed him on the lips? "Yeah happy anniversary, im so glad we're finally dating." Jimmy winked as he snaked his hands around her waist. "You two" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah we are, I asked her out two days ago; could you give us some privacy?" Jimmy scoffed as he side eyed me. "Babe can you take me shopping?? I need new clothes!!!!" Tammy whined as she held onto him. "Tammy I can't afford that, I don't have a job; but I guess I'll ask my dad for some money." Jimmy said somberly as he nuzzled his head into her neck, all meanwhile Jocelyn stood in the corner silently. "Tina are you gonna leave?? We wanna be alone, you too Jocelyn!!!" Tammy barked at the both of us. As I began to walk away I felt my eyes grow weary and well up with tears...
He was holding he used to hold me.
I ran down the hallway sobbing, all I wanted was to go home. All of the sudden I heard footsteps running after me, it was Jocelyn. "what do you need." I cried, attempting to hide my face from her "listen...I just wanted to uh say...I'm sorry that happened." Jocelyn said, most likely just trying to get information for Tammy. "Leave me alone Jocelyn, you have NO idea what this feels like. I have been in love with him for 3 years, 3 YEARS! and Tammy took all of it away." I sobbed no longer trying to hide myself, out in full shame. her gaze began to soften "no Tina...I am sorry. I know what it feels like. There have been many times when Tammy has taken boys from me too. I'm sorry, I know your pain." At that moment I wrapped my arms around Jocelyn and cried harder than I have ever cried; it was the most comforting hug I'd gotten in weeks. "You really do understand, don't you?" I asked, still sniffling. "Yes and I'm sorry girl" Jocelyn frowned as we broke the hug. "Try not to think about it too much this week" she gave me a small smile and walked away, I never knew Jocelyn could be compassionate. On the way home all I felt was absolute despair and misery, images of him and Tammy kissing, hugging, and laughing haunted my mind. The world seemed so much more dull, just hours before I was lovesick now I'm just...sick. When I got home I slammed my door shut and threw my body onto my bed. My mom came in and attempted to soothe me but her efforts had no meaning, nothing mattered to me; all that mattered was the fact that he's probably kissing Tammy, like he kissed me. Hugging Tammy, like he hugged me. Laughing with Tammy, like he laughed with me. Telling Tammy she's pretty, like he told me. Dancing with Tammy, like he danced with me. Loving Tammy, JUST like me loved me. The only difference is it means nothing to Tammy, she's with a new boy each week and is gonna break Jimmys heart. Every sweet word he spoke left me breathless, but Tammy will take his affections one ear out the other. The day he sold his bike for me was the day I knew I wanted to marry him, now every selfless act he does for tammy will be meaningless. These thoughts tormented me until I drifted to sleep....
💟Next day💟
"I was dumb to think he could ever like me, I should have known he likes blonde girls. I don't want to talk about "love" and "valentines day" and I especially don't want to talk about stupid, cruel, heart breaking, back stabbing, ugly, hurtful, terrible, jimmy jr!" I once more scribbled into my diary but this time a bit less ... giddy. I already had my hair done, teeth brushed and shoes on; I was ready to go before the car was started. The car-ride was dull & mundane, Gene and Louise were acting up as usual and paid no attention to my sudden change of mood; my parents tried to soothe me by saying "there are plenty of fish in the sea!" & "you'll find a better boy". I replied to these with "he's the only breed of fish I wanted." & "nothing was better than jimmy jr", the car had gone silent shortly after. Wagstaff seemed dimmer than ever as we pulled up and we're sent off with the usual "me and your father love you!". I walked with my head down into health, fully prepared for a day of newly usual misery.
💋 Time skip 💋
I slumped my way into the hallway towards the doors, just wanted to get out of the place my former crush was when I spotted said former crush. I attempted the speed past him but he noticed me and grabbed my shoulder, "Tina are you okay? You" he frowned, his lisp as prevalent as ever. "It's nothing, I'm fine." I huffed, avoiding looking him in the eyes. "Yeah she's fine babe, who cares? Just come over here and take me shopping again!" Tammy said angrily, motioning the dusty blonde over. "SHES NOT OKAY BECAUSE OF YOU!" a familiar voice yelled "TINA HAS LOVED JIMMY JR FOR AS LONG AS THEYVE KNOWN EACH-OTHER AND YOU TOOK HIM, JUST TO BE PETTY? IM TIRED OF YOU TAKING WHAT BELONGS TO OTHERS AND IM TIRED OF LIVING IN YOUR SHADOW. I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, YOU ARE A LYING, THIEVING, MANIPULATIVE, MEAN, ABUSIVE SNAKE TAMMY! THATS WHAT YOU ARE, A SNAKE! I HATE YOU TAMMY LARSEN! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, WE ARE SO NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!" the upset girl screamed. still trying to make out who it was I turned around to see Jocelyn, mascara streaming down her face and tears in her eyes. Tammy's eyes widened as she placed her hand over her mouth is disbelief. Shortly after Jocelyn ran off Tammy did as well. The silence between me and Jimmy jr was as loud as ever...
" me?" he whispered as he walked over to me and cupped my face with his hands, face pinker than I've ever seen. 🤍

- a🤍🧸

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