The Loss of the Miraculouses

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Adrien walked out of his bathroom displeased, while Ladybug swings in. "Phew! There you are. I'm sorry I thought I told you we were supposed to meet up." Ladybug said as she looked at him. "Meet up?" Adrien asked her confused. "Yes, so you could give it back to me." Ladybug said looking at him. "Give what back to you?" Adrien asked her. "Well, the Miraculous of the dog." She explained to Adrien. "But you didn't give me anything." Adrien said as he looked at her. "Of course, I did! On the train." Ladybug said looking at him. "The train? ...Félix!" Adrien said. Ladybug gasped in horror as she looked down and saw that her yoyo was missing. Ladybug began to panic now that she knows Flairmidable, or rather Félix, had already seized the opportunity to steal her yo-yo. "The ball... of the dog... Félix... He has the yo-yo, and that means... he has the Miraculous!" She exclaimed as her hands slowly reach her head as she increasingly panics in shocking realization. Ladybug started hyperventilating as her anxiety gets worse and worse. Adrien crouched down besides her. "Ladybug, try to keep calm. Think. There must be a way to get your yo-yo back." Adrien said as he looked at her. "Yes, maybe if I transform back and then." Ladybug said softly. "Go ahead." He said as he opened the door to his bathroom, and Ladybug walked inside. "You'll be safe here." Adrien added looking at her. "I-I don't know anymore, I- What if this is a trap? What if you're Félix?" She said panicking. "If you're gonna trust me once, please let it be this time!" Adrien said as he closed the door. Ladybug panted and fell dejectedly on the floor. "Spots off." She said as she de-transforms into Marinette and Tikki lands besides her. "Please hurry, Tikki." She said as she gave Tikki a piece of macaron. "We can't let them take all the Miraculous, please let there be some left, there has to be some left!" She said as she began to cry as Tikki chews on the macaron. She waited terrified as Tikki finished eating her macaron. "I'm done!" Tikki said and Marinette looked at her. "Tikki, spots on!" She said panicking as she transformed into Ladybug. Just as she transforms, her yo-yo on Gabriel's desk disappears and returns to her. She quickly opens it and checks if there are still any Miraculous left inside, only to find nothing. "No! There's nothing left!" She said as she looked at the door. "Ladybug...?" Adrien asked from the other side of the door. Ladybug was crestfallen. "I've lost...!" Ladybug said before she left. Adrien looks down for a while, sympathizing with Ladybug. He then decided to open the door to look out for her, only to find his bathroom already empty.

On the rooftops of the Jardins du Trocadéro, Ladybug was sitting all by herself under the rain, crying. Then, out of nowhere, in front of the Eiffel Tower, Monarch started to laugh maniacally as he appeared with his head shaped with his akumas, alongside with all the powers of the Miraculous, to Ladybug's horror. "People of Paris, Ladybug had promised to protect you? Well, she lied to you! Behold, her defeat! I took all the Miraculous from her! Now I'm more powerful than ever! From now on, I will be attacking you relentlessly. I would be everywhere probing your thoughts, stealing your dreams, harnessing your deepest fears! Whatever damage I can cause, I will not stop! Unless... someone brings me Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous!" Monarch said as he explained further his plans, Ladybug was completely overwhelmed with crushing shock and distress. Ladybug gasps as she looked at him. "I've lost everything!" She said crying. "You haven't lost me." Chat Noir said as Ladybug gasped as she turned her head to look at Chat who was already standing beside her. "Why don't you just give up on me? I lost all the Miraculous, I'm the worst Guardian ever! I just wanted to control everything, I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance! Every time you offered me a helping hand, I never took it! I really made a mess of everything!" She said as she continued crying. Chat Noir reached out his hand to Ladybug. "M'lady..." He said softly. Ladybug blushed as she slowly took his hand. Chat Noir helped her to her feet and hugged her. "We're gonna get them back one by one, until the very last. And we'll make sure this never happens again!" Chat said as he looked over at her. "You... and me?" Ladybug said softly. "You, the best superhero there ever was..." Chat said as he pointed at the huge crowd of Parisians below them, cheering for them. "Them, the people of Paris..." He said as she looked out at them. "Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug!" The Parisians cheered for her. "And me, your loyal partner." Chat said. The Parisians continue to cheer for them. Ladybug stands stern side-by-side with Chat Noir. Her tears got taken away by the wind, as they started getting ready to face the villainous Monarch, once and for all. "Chat Noir, tell Plagg that I'm sorry. I failed my duty as the guardian." She said before using her yoyo to return home. She landed on her balcony. "Tikki, Spots off." She said as she detransformed and Tikki landed in her hands. They went inside and climbed into bed. "Tikki, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." She said as she looked at her kwami. "You couldn't have known that Félix was pretending to be Adrien, Marinette. You couldn't have known that he would use his powers to steal the Miraculouses for Hawk Moth." She said to her owner. "Félix probably knows Monarch's secret identity." Marinette said as she looked at Tikki. "I swear to you, Tikki. I will find out who Monarch is and I will destroy him." She said as she looked at her kwami. "Marinette, please get some rest." She said as she looked at her owner. Marinette nodded as she got changed before climbing into her bed and fell asleep.

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