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I wake up in a cave, it's blue with glow worms all around. It's beautiful I get up to look around a little more. Realization hits me like a semi truck. What happened, I remember went looking for Shuri. Griot said she was dead.

When I left the mound someone grabbed me and everything went black.

Tears are rolling down my face, everything went so horribly wrong. The new year was suppose to be positive. I should've took Shuri and went home to Michigan like I had planned.

I heard some noise and Namor appeared.

"Welcome home" he said.

I wake up for real this time I can't breathe, my throat is almost closed. I'm so hot and sweaty.

"Do you need water? Are you okay?" Shuri asks frantically over me.

I catch my breath and look over at her. I just hug her and cry. Why do I keep having these type of dreams. That's the fifth one I have had since we came back from our trip two weeks ago.

"Princess, it was just a dream." She says trying to reassure me.

"It's always so real, and in every single one you're dead." I cry.

I hold her tighter. What the hell, I can't have too many more of those dreams they ruin my whole day. It's all I can think about.

I don't remember much of them after I wake up, only the way I felt.

"I'm not dead princess, I'm right here. I'm okay." She tightens her grip as well. "I'm going to take you to some people tomorrow, maybe they can help you with your dreams. For now let's just go back to sleep."

She holds me and I try to fall asleep knowing that she's right here and alive.

She's been really worried about me and trying to get the weapon done. We're almost done with it, we just need to work on a few touches. The destabilizing serum works, we just don't know if the weapon will be effective on Namor until we try it.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

Last night Tyler had another dream. They are effecting her, she's not herself. She eats a lot less, laughs a lot less and she's been more spaced out than usual.

I have some friends in the forest who specializes in this stuff. Dreams, their meanings. They've turned a few of my dreams into art. They helped me tremendously after the events of last year.

We get to the big tree stomp in the forest. I know what this is but to the average person they might think it's just a tree stomp.

I trace my fingers along the rings "Shuri, Queen of Wakanda" I speak.

The stomp and the grass around it opens to reveal the steps to the underground workshop. I walk down and help Tyler.

"That's neat." She says.

"Yeah, the stairs aren't. We have to walk down twenty flights of stairs, I insisted on helping them put an elevator in, they just don't want it." I laugh.

"Long time no see." My friend Adia says. She gets up to hug me once we reach the last step.

"Good to see you my friend." I say. "This is my girlfriend, Tyler. Tyler this is my Oneirologist friend Adia."

"Tyler, pleased to meet you. I'm not an oneirologist but I do know a significant amount about dreams." She says.

"Nice to meet you too." Tyler says.

"What brings you two here?" Adia asks.

"I have been having horrible dreams. I've had quite a few. In everyone Shuri is dead and I can feel them, they're always so real." She says.

I can tell it hurts her just thinking about it.

"Good thing I can help you out, lay on the table for me." Adia says referring to the white table in the middle of the workshop.

Tyler lays up there and Adia starts to feel around her head.

"I need you to fall asleep." She says.

"I can't fall asleep on command." Tyler says.

Adia walks over and prepare her mixture of herbs. It's to help put Tyler's mind at ease and to help trigger the dream.

"What's this?" Tyler takes the cup from Adia.

"It is a mixture of herbs that'll trigger the dreams that are disturbing you." She explains.

"No, I don't want to go through that again." She says handing her the cup back.

"Now, let's be logical. I'm asking you to do this so I can make this one your last one. I'm not trying to harm you. I only want to help. Now do you trust me," she asks Tyler.

Tyler looks at me to make sure I trust her. "Yes princess, I'd trust her with my life."

She takes the cup and drinks the mixture. When she done she lays down and she's asleep within thirty seconds.

"Now we wait." Adia attaches electrode stickers to her head to track her brain waves.

"Where's everyone?" I sit next to Tyler and hold her hand.

"Bakari is out gathering supplies and Jaja is taking care of his family." Adia says.

We talk for twenty minutes before Tyler had a dream.

Adia started doing what she does best.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——

"This place will never be my home." I scream.

"Your Queen is dead. Your plan failed. Unless you want me to kill you I'd get comfortable. Maybe build that barrier that would've stopped the war." Namor taunted.

"Wait war? What did you do to Wakanda?" I asked

"I sank it like I promised I would. When I don't get what I want I get very angry. Now, you don't want to get me angry cause I'll kill you and that mother and friend of yours." He says.

I don't even know if he can reach them but I don't want to chance it.

"Shuri never taught me how to build the barrier." I say.

"I've spent enough time in your head to know that you know how." He says.

"What, what do you mean in my head."

"How do you think I know all that I know. Since you and the Queen started working together I have had some access to your brain. I am a god after all. I have many, many abilities. You are an American you all make it so easy to get in your heads. I haven't exactly mastered the Wakandans but I will and I won't need servants like you to carry out my work. Now, what'll it be. Death or should I show you where you'll be working?"

I take no time to form my answer. "Wakanda forever"

I wake up with Adia and Shuri are standing over me. It takes a second to catch my breath.

Shuri is holding my hand. She looks confused and concerned at the same time. "Princess, I am afraid that you are the spy. You've been feeding Namor information."

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