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IT WAS VERY hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that was sure last night was a dream. Logic wasn't on my side, or common sense.

It was foggy and dark outside my window, and my face fell at it. The Cullens would be at school today. I made a conscious decision to ignore Rosalie Hale today. I would nip this bullshit in the bud. I liked Adam. Edward Cullen couldn't tell me how to feel about my own boyfriend.

I left early with Adam. Bella was still in her room when I did, and I'd just missed Charlie. If he noticed anything was off with me, he didn't say anything. I told him I'd found a good dress, and that it was green, so he'd have to buy a green tie. We argued over that, because apparently he hadn't planned on wearing a tie — or even a shirt. He figured he could wear one of his infinite band t-shirts under a rented tux. I told him I'd break up with him on the spot. I was planning on going all-out for him, the least he could do was match for the pictures. It wasn't until we got to the parking lot that I cut off mid-rant, eyes nearly bugging out of my head.

There, right in the spot next to where Edward Cullen usually parked his silver Volvo, which was ostentatious enough as it was — was a gloriously restored 1963 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster, top down, its cherry red body gleaming and it's tan leather interior and detailing absolutely perfect. I was well aware I was probably drooling, and I wasn't the only one, a congregation of boys lingering from afar to stare openly and discuss it. From afar — because Alice Cullen was climbing out of it. And Rosalie Hale was in the driver's seat.

Next to the girls was a brand new Jeep Wrangler 4x4, fully decked out and pure white, clean as a whistle. Even the menacing off-roading wheels looked brand new, like it had never touched real dirt. The boys were climbing out of this — the gigantic beast of an SUV matched Emmett Cullen, I wasn't really surprised that this was his car. Jasper Hale met his girlfriend in the middle, twirling her with a smile and greeting her with a kiss. I turned back to Rosalie's car.

Jesus Christ.

"Babe?" Adam hadn't noticed yet, but he followed my gaze and whistled low. "Damn. What is that - a Mercedes?"

"300SL roadster, early sixties." I answer, almost on autopilot. I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"It looks cool." He didn't like to sound dumb when I talked cars. "Figures the Cullens could afford something like that. Maybe the Doctor passed it down or something."

I wasn't really listening, still staring.

"Too bad all that money couldn't buy them personalities."

Rosalie Hale was climbing out now, almost lethargically, as if she were reluctant to leave the roadster. I didn't blame her. She tossed a hand through her hair, angling that luxurious golden mane away from her remarkable face — and then her eyes locked with mine. It was impossible. We were too far away for her to see me from within Adam's ratty Camaro. But I swore she saw me, and she was smirking. And god I hated Edward Cullen more than anything then. It was his fault I had butterflies in my stomach. Little Fucker.

Bella showed up a little late to class, just before the bell. In the time it took for her to get there, I'd already been informed by a forlorn Mike that Edward had driven my sister to school. I really wasn't all that surprised.

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