Knock Knock

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A/N~ Note to those who read the chapter 'Princess,' that chapter doesn't work with where I am planning to take the story, so I ask that you please pretend it never existed -sorry! Thanks, to those of you who read my story, I really appreciate it! Now, onto the story! ~RedHeart282

Curatio = Cure-a-she-oh

Fare = Fair (Feronia's nickname)

Feronia = Fair-oh-knee-uh

-New Point of View-

        Awakening to soft knocking at the door, I groggily turn my head. Who would disturb me here, in my own chambers, this late? Mind still foggy, I draw myself up, or at least attempt to. His lanky arm is slung around the small of my back, preventing me from moving very far.

        Trying to remember hours before only brings on a headache, surely from many cups of intaken alcohol that evening, so I stop -giving up on figuring out the man's name. It probably wasn't anyone important anyway. Just another one-night, noble 'guest.'

        Shifting out of his now repulsive embrace, I slip a bare toe to the floor. A cold shiver travels through me as the silky, green sheets unravel from around my waist, exposing milky white skin. Quietly creeping forward a step, I clutch at the wall to steady myself.

        Shutting my eyes to hault the spinning room around me, I hear another knock. Passing my other hand over the deep wood of my four-poster bed, I continue forward.

        Shoes, jewels, and neckties leave a trail that I follow back to the door. Nearly tripping on a discarded pair of pants, I catch hold of the knob. Just as I go to open the opaque door, there is one more small set of taps.

        Unlatching it a crack, moonlight floods in from the hallway windows, blinding me. My eyes blink rapidly as they try to adjust, and once they have I am met with the face of my green-haired handmaiden, Sage Evans. Widening the crack, I step into the hallway, waiting for her to speak.

        "I found where they've hidden her away to heal, Fare, the one from the woods. Yikes, she looked horrible! Apparently she was attacked a shadow beast before they could even talk to her -klutzy!" Sage's soft voice seemed to stretch through the musty air around us.

        "What are we waiting around here for then, let's go!" grabbing her thin wrist, I try to drag her off down the hall, but she stops me.

        Shaking her arm free, she gives me a once-over before saying, "Um, Feronia, are you sure you want to walk around the castle like that?"

        Glancing down, my face begins to burn. A draft hits my unclothed body, and a shudder ripples through me. When I look up from my polished toenails Sage snickers.

        Grunting, I turn away, knowing that even my ears were becoming the same distinct shade of pink as my hair. Creaking the wooden door carefully open again, I step back into my room.

        Sage follows, giggling a bit at the figure in my bed. I only half register it when she whispers, "No wonder you had no clothes, spicy bastard!"

        "Knock it off, would you? Make yourself useful and help me find my shawl." Slightly protesting, Sage begins to search the room, and -after a small moan- my wardrobe's doors slide open at my prompting.

        A gaggle of balled up shirts flop to my glossy, walnut floorboards, and a heel thumps out after them. He begins to stir behind me as the bejeweled shoe clacks across the floor. I hold my breath. It would hardly be fun to deal with him right now. Luckily, with what I could see from the corner of my eye, my 'guest' was settling back down after rolling over.

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