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|chapter four|

"I'll head straight to university, my manager will send me off there. I'll just wait for you in the cafeteria."

Jimin texted. He head straight to his manager's car, he just finished recording some part of his upcoming song for his new album. He usually go to afternoon classes with Taehyung, but today he got off his work earlier. It is still earlier than noon so he agreed to his new manager and sent him earlier than he usually do.

"Take care. I'll be there at 12 noon. Still busy with papers here", his boyfriend replied.

"We're here", the new deep voice surrounds the car. Producer Min or the CEO of Serendipity Music Ent. decided to appoint his very own self to be his Ace's manager.

Jimin's eyes who were too focus on his phones advert straight to his new manager. "Thank you, hyung. I'll see you next schedule", he smiles at the older male as he unbuckle his seatbelt and secure his phone on his favorite chanel bag.

"Oh about that, tomorrow morning? Are you available?", Yoongi or Producer Min removed his shades as he look straight his talent's eyes.

The younger male raise his brow in confusion as he didn't expect to have another schedule as earlyb as tomorrow. "I'm free tomorrow morning but Wednesday to Fridays is full", hisn voice was clear enough as Yoongi nodded and agreed to his schedule.

They both bid goodbyes as Jimin fixes his face mask and a black cap.

He walk past other course's building as he head straight to their building's cafeteria. His days in the university always seems normal, aside from some random fans greeting and asking for autograph and photos.

Each of his steps feels heavy and heavier as he walk past this silent hallway. His mind tells him that someone is following and stalking him so he decided to stop his steps and slowly take his chance to face his back.

Only to be startled by the familiar figure in front of him. Those pierced brows along with his dark and strong gazing orbs. Those clear tattoes that shows freely by his rolled up black sleeves. His breathing became heavy as he stare solely at the man in front of him.

His most painful heartbreak.

Jeon Jungkook.

The man whom he was in a relationship from highschool to college freshman years. Albeit, their parents were business competitors, and they do all their best to separate them.

They sent this man in front of him abroad to continue his study.

"Jiminssi, seems like you saw a ghost", the black haired man greeted as he pull down his mask, totally revealing his lip peircing that Jimin used to adore.

"B-But...what are you doing here?", he took one step backwards as Jungkook took the opposite.

"I'm here to claim what's mine", the taller male arched his peirced brow as he take another step forward. He can clearly see and feel how tensed and shock Jimin is. They were both forced to separate but some unusual bad news pushed Jimin to forget him.


Alcohol, Drugs...

Different one night stands...

Those news pushed him to forget this man that he used to love dearly.

"No one is yours, Jeon", Jimin took another step backwards but was welcomes by their hall's wall.

"You used to be and from what I know we never officially broke up", Jungkook brush his hair to the back of his head. His hair is now longer that before, same color, jet black.

"Used to be, we're done. I need to go, Jeon".

Jimin gave him a bitter smile as he quitely escape the man's trap. He lowered his cap and slowly walk towards the path to their cafeteria. But, his undestructible ex-boyfriend follows his every step. His heart beats faster and louder than it use to be, he knows how consistent a Jeon Jungkook can be. A single tear triggers his hodded eyes as he slowly wipes it.

"Jeon, please", he whispered but was loud enough for the man in black to hear.

"Park, just let me accompany you to the cafeteria. It's not like I'm going to do something bad or what. Give me 5 minutes, I just wanted to talk", he walk passed the smaller male as he face Jimin with abn evident pain in his used to be fierce and dark eyes.

"Fine! Let's go", Jimin exclaimed as he walk pass his ex-boyfriend, leading their way to the cafeteria.

After minute of silent, they finally arrived to the cafeteria as he took the farthest and unoccupied table on the side where people can barely see them from the entrance. He feels so uncomfortable and nervous as this man in front of him can clearly give him tons of emotions just by showing up after disappearing for two whole years.

"Talk", Jimin commanded as his gaze points straight to their table.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. For being forced to go abroad, you know how hard it is for me. They took all the things I used to have, even you", he released a deep sigh before continuing as tears flows straight down his pale skin, his eyes never left the man in front of him. "I did my best to provide for my own, and here I am, Jimin. I survived two years and succeed by own business and studies, but I'm sorry I failed you".

"Is that all?". He lifted his head along with his heavy heart as his eyes met the one in front. They are both in tears.

"Chim, please". Jungkook tries ton hold his hand but he was fast to hide it under the table.

"Don't call me chim. I can't understand you anymore, I can't accept you anymore. You already died two years ago for me", Jimin's words pierced straight and deepm through Jungkook's shattered heart. The heart that has never been healed and completed all this years.

"At least, I explained myself but I guess all my effort, suffering, and wait is all nonsense. I saw the headlines, you gave in on Kim", he tilted his head as he never let Jimin replied and left the table, wiping his unworthy tears.

Jimin didn't get to release even a single word when he heard his boyfriend's surname from his ex-boyfriend's voice. The Jeons always hate the Kims.

He released a shaky breath as he wipes his tears. His hands trembles from all the emotions he felt back from seeing Jungkook. He then grab hisn phone and tried his best to control his breathing and his throbbing heart. He dialed Taehyung's number.

After two seconds, his boyfriend quickly answered.

"Yes, love", firm and relaxed, Taehyung muttered from the other line.

"T-Tae, c-can you come quick".

Taehyung stood up as he heard how unwell his boyfriend is. He mayb not know Jimin's reason but he knows that Jimin is not okay and something or someone triggered his anxiety attacks.

"Wait for me, and calm yourself. I'll be there in ten", he softy announces as he excused himself from his secretary and inform her to cancel his last meeting.

Taehyung never hangs up calls from Jimin as he rushed to their building's parking area.

Jimin in the cafeteria, was still shocked at what had just happened. Jungkook just left him there, with the ring he gave Jungkook twon years ago before he disappeared like a total dust.

A/n: Let's all welcome, Mr. Jeon Jungkook, ♡.

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