Chapter 1: The Fall-Out

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You know how everyone has those days where they know that something bad is going to happen? Not me. I don't get this feeling. I know that I can rely on the people and world around me so I find my life is as predictable as ever. It isn't a rollercoster, like all those philosophers say it is, its a straight line, no bumps or curves or loop 'd' loops at all. So I guess this day was so unexpected. I always thought my friends were great: they stuck by me, stood up for me, cared for me when I was down. So I never expected them to do anything horrible. How naive am I? So when I found out that Sasha, one of my friends, one I had known since kindergarten, had been talking trash about me with my other friends, I flipped. I thought these guys were my BFFs. I guess not.

So that day, I marched up to them, phone in my hand, and confronted them with all my confidence. "You want to explain all the crap you guys have been calling me?" I almost shouted, showing them the phone. On it, was an iMessage conversation that included my three friends all talking about me. But it wasn't my phone. It was Sasha's. She had left it in my blazer pocket from the day before. I just knew her passcode and when Georgia texted her, I had to look at the conversation.

"Well, its true. You are a bit of a crybaby," said Carrie, reading one of the messages she sent. She had been in my class almost every single year since I started high school. We were really close. But this kind of attitude really pissed me off. I mean, I have never had this kind of a dip in my rollercoaster before. Why is it starting now?

Georgia started to back her up. "Yeah. But, you know, its not like we don't care for you. We just don't see why you are crying. It is literally all you ever do. I mean, yesterday you just started balling your eyes out for no freaking reason! Because you really killed the mood. Really killed it."

Sasha and Carrie nodded in agreement, mumbling "yeah"s in response. I could feel tears bubbling in my eyes and my hands clenching into fists. This was like a reality version of Mean Girls. I always thought it would be funny. But to be living in it is like living in a piece of shit: not a place you want to be.

"I did that because you guys always exclude me. You may not see it but that rejection is still there," I told them. They saw the tears threatening to boil over. "Oh, look," said Sasha, with a smirk. "The baby is going to cry again. Keep on crying. It'll do you a world of good."

"I thought you guys were my friends," I muttered. "How could I have been to naive to think that you guys would actually understand me. But no. You three are way too immature to be my friends. I don't think you need me anyway."

Carrie laughed with her hands on her hips. "We didn't need you from the beginning. You needed us to pick your ass off of the ground. Come on, flat face. Let's see what you can do." She really was asking for it. But I didn't want to hit them. After all. They were still my friends. That should count for something, shouldn't it?

Georgia chuckled, "I can't believe we put up with this pathetic excuse for a human for pretty much five years."

"Ha. Look who's talking. I had to last with a false smile plastered on my face for fourteen years. That is crazy," replied Sasha.

That was the last straw. I let the tears finally fall and I slapped that stupid smirk off of that blonde bitch's face. A red mark appeared on her left cheek and I knew she would report this to someone. But right now I didn't care. She hurt me enough and now it was time I hurt her.

Leaning in close to Sasha, I whispered words only she could hear, "Now it's karma that's coming for you. You deserve everything that's gonna happen, you blonde bitch."

I straightened my back and walked away from the blue bench where they sat. As I took steps away, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders yet a new one placed on. I hadn't realised that when I broke up with my friends, I was just making myself a loner. Everyone had their cliques. Everyone had their friend circles. I know had no one. Great...

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