Chapter 2: New Kid

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Monday morning. Wow.

I lasted the whole weekend without doing anything. And I was bored out of my mind. Urgh. The only thing I did was homework and its not like I enjoyed that. But, you know, I didn't die of starvation of anything so it's all good.

The first thing that popped into that morning when my alarm clock blared Young Blood by Bea Miller was not my ex-friends or my family ignoring me all weekend, but instead it was the fact that I actually had to wake up. I didn't want to. But if I didn't go to school today, Sasha, Carrie and Georgia would know that they won. And I didn't want that.

So I dragged myself out of bed and began my school morning ritual: have a shower, put my uniform on, do my hair, brush my teeth, have breakfast, pack my back and go.

I had my quick little shower and threw on my summer school uniform with my jumper and blazer with the school emblem sewed into it then I went to the mirror in my bedroom to get my hair prepped.

I tied it up in a plait at the back then converted it to a bun, secured fastley with bobby pins. I added my famous touch of flowers to the top of the bun and smiled at myself in the mirror. I saw that my hair dye was coming out slightly. I would have to re-dye it again tonight. Jeez, this was such high maintenance.

I quickly brushed my teeth and ran downstairs to finish packing my bag. I stuffed my lunchbox and drink bottle hastily into their rightful places in the many pockets that were in my bag and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. I ran out of the house with my school back slung over one shoulder and yelled a quick goodbye to my mum. Of course, she didn't answer and so I felt a little more rejected than I already was.

The school I went to, Woodland College, was five blocks away and I always enjoyed the walk. I liked walking past the bustling streets of Melbourne and the buildings that I saw. Even though I had memorised the looks of the buildings, I still liked the appearance. It was comforting and safe, something that I haven't been feeling much of lately.

When I got to school, I was given dirty looks from everyone I passed. What was happening? I looked around confused at all the people until I got to my locker. I opened it and found myself being pushed into it. My head banged against the metal shelf and I yelped in pain. I turned back around to see my attacker, clutching my forehead.

It was Sasha, with Georgia and Carrie behind her. "What was that for?" I exclaimed.

She just smirked. "You deserved it," she said, louder than she needed. It attracted stares from around us. "After all, you slapped me on Friday. No one, and I mean no one, does that to me." She broke down into fake tears. "I thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong. I mean, I trusted you and cared. And look what you did? You pushed us away. But we still care. We want to help you."

"What?" I asked, bewildered. "What do you want to help me with? I'm perfectly fine --"

Sasha lowered her voice so only she and I could hear it. "Yes there is. You have a tendency to be an ugly shit-face with no personality or colour. The list I have could go on until tomorrow."

I stood in shock as she hurriedly walked away down the corridor, still fake crying. The nerve of that girl! She had the nerve to call me out and tell everyone there was something wrong with me when she is the one I thought I could trust and I could care about. She is just mixing up all of my words and feelings and throwing them back at me like a bomb! And she really had to pull a scene like that? In front of everybody? Well, at least I have drama next, the one class I love where it is not filled with the evilness of Sasha Walker, Carrie Jamison and Georgia Jefferson.


"Today we are working on improvisation," said the drama teacher, Mr Vixon. He was a colourful man with the nickname of "Reindeer" that followed him where ever he went.

A collective groan sounded from the class. Improv? We studied this topic in year eight and now again in year eleven? Can't they just leave us alone?

"Ah, I do not want to hear that sound now more!" Mr Vixon said in his best French accent. "No more!" he repeated, his voice slightly breaking. We all laughed and a smile crept onto our teacher's face. "I knew I would find those happy hearts somewhere. Okay so get into pairs and --"

We were interrupted as the door into the drama room burst open. The face which entered was a familiar one. I remembered, as if on cue, that it was the boy I met on Friday. He seemed to smile at me as he entered and then walked up to Mr Vixon to give him a note. The teacher scanned it and then nodded like it was okay.

"Alright, well," said Mr Vixon, pointing at the wall, "just place you books over there, take off your shoes and come and join us."

The boy dropped his books a little louder than necessary next to mine which earned him a glare from the usually optimistic Mr Vixon. After he took off his shoes, he scanned the students for a place to sit, finding one next to me. He grinned cheekily and shuffled over to sit next to me.

He made a loud thud as he hit the floor and I mentally face-palmed myself. Mr Vixon cleared his throat. "Alright, well, as I was saying: everyone get into pairs and we will give each of you a topic to perform." The students jumped up, already in pairs and I was alone.

The boy came over and extended his hand to me. "May I?"

I heaved a sigh and rolled my eyes, yet giggled. "Of course."

"Do you always have to make a loud noise?" I hiss as we sit down somewhere else to watch the first pair perform.

A grin slid onto his lips again. "Only when I'm trying to impress people."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, like I told you on Friday, I don't have my heart melted by flirting."

He breathed a laugh. "It eventually will work."

I smiled to myself and blushed.


Second chapter done! I have literally been working on this all week. Spread this story around on Instagram, Twitter, anything! Lets get those views up. Okay, thats not everything. I really hope you guys liked this chapter. By the way, Alexandria's Genesis is real. I didn't make it up. 😧! I know, right? By that way, Elizabeth Taylor had it, so, there.

BIG NEWS!!! I am writing a new story called Missing. I was basically inspired from a science class I had which is featured in the prologue. Thank you to those who actually read the author's note. I know it is like so boring. I actually always skip it myself in all the stories I read. So... yeah. I just realised I use the dot, dot, dot thingy a lot. I also talk to myself a lot. So... yeah. OMG!! I DID IT AGAIN!!!!

I am such a douche.

Thank you and keep looking out for new chapters. I will release one every Sunday (Eastern Australian Time).

- cool_girl56789

P.S. You guys learned like two new things about me!!! WOW!!! I also really like America. THREE!!!

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