Sidneet oneshot

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Avneet-Stop disturbing Siddharth....The teacher is explaining just concentrate in the class

Siddharth-Tell me what happened?It's been 1 week you aren't talking to me..


She was about to say something but the bell rings...

Siddharth's pov

Shit!!!Shit!!!I was about to know what happen to her cause she is just ignoring...It's been 1 week she is not talking to me.....Why??...Is something bothering her or something?..Now I need to follow now...

Pov ends...



Siddharth-I need to talk to you.


Siddharth-Why are you stammering??

Avneet-I am not..

Siddharth-Come with me..


Siddharth took her back of the school...

Avneet-Why you took me here?

Siddharth-Tell me what is bothering you?

Siddharth-Avneet stop stammering and tell me what happened??Why are you not talking to me??Why aren't you sharing your problems with me?Don't you trust me?

Avneet hug him tightly...

Siddharth-Tell me Avneet...

Avneet-Siddharth my


Avneet-Last week,my dad was telling me if they divorce I need to stay with my dad if not he will continue to beat my mom

Siddharth-Continue??What do you mean??and you need to decide....It's your decision...

Avneet-I know...Siddharth...My dad does drugs....He wants me stay with him so that I can't go to school and I will not be able to meet you Siddharth....I don't know what to do...

Siddharth-Don't worry...I'll save you both...Your mom and you...Just don't worry my baby...

Avneet-Siddharth you won't be able to do nothing cause tomorrow my parents are going to divorce....

Siddharth-What about Jai??

Avneet-He is staying at nani's place

Siddharth-Ok listen to me...Go home quietly..Don't let your parents know..Okay...Then you packed your bag quiet and rest leave it to me..

Avneet-But Sid..(Cuffed by Siddharth)

Siddharth-Do you trust me??

Avneet-Yes....More than myself


Avneet-Ok...But if you don't mind can you drop me home??

Siddharth-Sure babe....Let's go..

Avneet-I'll go and take my bag

Siddharth-I'll come with you...I have to take mine too..


Then they went....Siddharth drop Avneet home...When they went home,they heard noise...

Siddharth-What's that??

My baby...😍||Sidneet Oneshot ffWhere stories live. Discover now